Anonymous ID: eb6445 Aug. 27, 2020, 2:53 a.m. No.10436863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6913



"I believe the reason Australia and New Zealand have been targeted with this level of restrictions first is because they have been almost fully disarmed and have no means to defend themselves from government overstep. That said, I see signs that similar measures will be attempted in the US as well. In states like New York, there are low key programs to set up Covid checkpoints stopping and checking vehicles coming into the state. This is where heavier restrictions start.


First, checkpoints will be established in the name of keeping infected people out of a state or city. Then, those same checkpoints will be used to keep people from leaving a state or city. Then, checkpoints will be set up at random to test people for fever or symptoms of illness. If allowed to continue, the natural progression of checkpoints is to terrify the population into not traveling anywhere for any reason. Like in Australia and NZ, people will effectively be imprisoned in their homes. At this stage, bringing in laws or executive orders punishing people for leaving home will be easier; they will have already acclimated to being trapped at home anyway."


Holy hand grenades Q, if Trump loses you are so fucked.


Not only will the Deep State go after your sorry ass……….wait for it………continue to wait for it………so will the Deplorable Class you lied to for the past three fucking years.

