Anonymous ID: ec52fe Aug. 27, 2020, 2:02 a.m. No.10436682   🗄️.is đź”—kun

…Seems most human thought is still limited to a terrestrial perspective. Incorrect translations and allegorical misrepresentations have muddied the waters of the true celestial interpretation of the assorted myth, legend and 'sacred' texts, creating a perpetual circular debate, based upon limited 'understanding'. Too much magical thinking and not enough applied reason & logic.


On a similar note, there is the possibility that these ancient 'tribes' that survived the last catastrophe (Saturnian polar disalignment) are the ones supposedly described in the bible. Eventually, those who had the ancient knowledge greedily hid this from the people, in order to control the already traumatized masses (so much so, it's imprinted into human genetics), preying upon fears & uncertainties.