Where is this from?
I guess not 1942 but interesting if it was
Another kike gets a smack down… not quite Kyle Level but ok for a faggot
Not just US. They own propaganda apparatus worldwide. E reported it as Esau it.
Once you understand stairway to heaven zep will never be the same. Great tunes but you must protect your mind.
Young lads lose weight fast. Especially when running. Imagine that poor boy now. A felon, a hero, an icon. But just a 17 year old lad. Sad, but these are times of war and young men always fight the ways.
Wait till they get to savilles mate Charlie. Corrupted by mount batten at the “boys school” in Scotland. They are diseased. Harry and meagan…. what’s the real story? Q knows.
Stacked anon. To the rafters.
Not withstanding Q’s last post I am seeing far less symbolism. They are either hiding or controlled or deeeeed
Ok blowing away satan worshiping pedos is a known carb burner but maybe not that many carbs. >>10437733
Your country is being torn apart because you are the only armed populace that can stop [them]. Wrwy. The framers saw this day and God has set the stage.