>"I don't care about their disagreements"
What you personally "care" or "don't care about" is irrelevant to the FACTS.
The the FACTS, disagreements are absolutely crucial in determining whether your accusations are true or not true about individual Jews.
The Israeli people are not the Israeli government. Similar to the US, Comey and Obama and all the rest, their actions are not a reflection of the values, beliefs or thoughts of American citizens.
>"I wish that man good luck, but Islam and Judaism are incompatible with the West."
The West was BUILT on Judeo-Christian values.
Religious liberty, and the limit on government powers respecting religion is a core component of the Consitution.
Radial extreme Christianity (research "The Diggers" of 17th century Germany) is not compatible with the West, radical extreme Judaism is not compatible with the West, and radical extreme Islam is not compatible with the West.
Personal worship and voluntary assembly in peace ARE compatible with the West, and therefore Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are compatible with the West.
Nobody here is calling for radical extreme impositions, except you Marxist collectivists as it turns out.
>"Communism was created, financed and spread by Jews"
That's false. Communism originated as a Messianic Creed inherent in all 3 great religions. Messianic Christians for example in 17th century Germany attempted to start, finance and spread Communism and their basis was the Bible.
Yes, there were also Jewish seers who attempted to start, finance, and spread Communism, as did Islamic seers.
It is not a doctrine unique to Judaism.
History proves that it started from MESSIANIC prophecies, which is inherent in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
>"The problem is not Jews per se, it's Jewish 'collective power'"
Only a Marxist would 'see' intention, goals, values, and action from a 'collective' concept of humanity.
You are bashing Jews for allegedly starting Communism, yet your own epistemology is full fledged Marxism.
>"He can always go to Israel."
This is not an argument against his message, it is ad hominem, a smear against the messenger.
I do believe you need additional education and self-awareness in order to positively contribute knowledge to this forum.