Anonymous ID: e32869 Aug. 27, 2020, 6:51 a.m. No.10438088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8106 >>8303


when you go to the 'kyle trial' you'll know it then.

what an idiot you are.

but I think you are a psyop, certainly not an anon.

if you want to fight, you can play a video game. you don't have to really go and battle people in the street.


what you are doing is clear to me and savoy adults.

and you know what you are doing.

and as you are glowing, and almost admitting you want to be 'outted' (you'll be at the court) I have to say you are either very stupid or a psyop.

I go for psyop out of respect for you. But that's not very much.

instigation is a form of insurrection.

as I said, it's all noticed by your frenz.

Anonymous ID: e32869 Aug. 27, 2020, 7:05 a.m. No.10438176   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8324


they tell you that they are giving you a 'conspiracy theory' . Doesn't that admit that they know that what they are narrating is factually bogus?


Can they not just describe it?


OK, it's like this.

a board is like a bath room.

each bathroom has 751 stales.

you get to use as many stales as you want and you go in, and you don't use a toilet (gross).

you right stuff on the wall, and embedd little videos there (so pepole who do need to use it? later? can watch?)


no, it's the post. it's an allegory for what people post.


so then later on (it's a virtual place, like a nymphanium of old, but a new one every few hours.)

you make your beutiful scuplture and place it into the apse. Each nymphanium has exactly 751 apses in it.

is each apse also a toilet?

well, it might seem that way in a shill-filled bread.


One wall of this craven temple of ideation is always given over to the worship of the control culture the 'muh special specials'.

every few posts will be a bogus shill post but . . . it's a free world and there can be more bread . . . and it's all virtual . . .


Oh, and you can 'turn off' parts of the sculpture garden of ideation that each post represents with 'filters' which is a different kind of 'filter' like when Q says 'unfiltered place' or some such Q is meaning 'filters of fussy governing censorious extra-judicial bodies of probably illegality and dubious morality' I paraphrase how I see it so please don't project this on Q.


Any way, ya, so each bread can be it's own temple of all the ideas of anyone brave enough to go there and face the 'I shall tuant you another time' manner of who that we call 'shills'


and so then we get to the part that the 'control culture of non-ethnic control' uses the identity of the 'most-fussied ethnic identity' of the day (the most fussy of all?)

and even though they are of un known ethnicity and not really those, (who those? why won't you just say 'The nut chews'?

because I'm not talking about candy. It could be any kind of chew-candy? people who need them to be on your lips and in your mind because they are fearful of you and they want you to know 'we are watching your bullshit' that's the people who they pretend to hate, the ones who won't put up with it anymore so thati's why it's the 'nut chews'.

that sounds too much like . . .

try to imagine it not sounding.


anyway, I must banter with these literary muses that say 'don't write this blathering crap'

and yet since this whole board is really that, blathering, and mostly crap (admittedly so) that shills take far far too seriously (like anon are scared that enESSAyeeAhh is watching, as if we don't know that)

my point: the filling up of all the parts of the giant graphetti temple or vigil for constant watching of what is habbening (and when operators are in the field!!) (especially then)

the purpose of all the filling up with crap and spam hate is to say later on:

see the hate

see the horrid horrid hate

we must rate the hate

there is no debate

we must end the hate.


but what they miss in their apeing of Theodore Geisell (sp) is that by doing what they suggest, ending this 'chaulk board at the end of wisdom' place, ending this place is very very hateful.

they take it far to seriously.

if it isn't here it will move somehow.

they have already lost.

we are watching a movie.

I'm the guy whose narrating and people are saying 'Where is your neck, he has no neck' and is that . . . Susan Surrounded?


even you Susan?


OK, start whipping gummy candy at the screen.

It's a grind house show and it's 1978

Anonymous ID: e32869 Aug. 27, 2020, 7:45 a.m. No.10438499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8515 >>8542 >>8563


I concur that this youngster is obviously being set up for a psyoperation to be some kind of idol.

anyone who comes here and defends it as furiously as they are if someone says 'idolatry and psyop, it's obvious'

why attack someone for giving that opinion and making it a battle?

because they want a battle

they want hard lines and people on each side of it.

hero mongering this guy is the wrong thing to do.

I don't blame him, he's a young guy.

those who are hero mongering him should know better.

Anonymous ID: e32869 Aug. 27, 2020, 7:53 a.m. No.10438566   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Look of course I want 17 year old battle victims to get well, and I don't support boat stomping, anyone who does that . . . get's what they get.

I don't know the whole story, but I object to memeing some dough boy with a rifle.

it's exploitative.

spend your energy praying for his well being.

escallation of the situation through obviously exploitative iconography doesn't get you a 'gold star meme' award by my rating.


Is there some picture of the young man that isn't a shotgun pose?

If you want to honor him, do you also have to make the image into a battle emblem?


PS: screw you thinking I'm one of those guys.