Anonymous ID: 998465 Aug. 27, 2020, 8:04 a.m. No.10438670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8678 >>8708 >>8715 >>8730 >>8735 >>8747 >>8774 >>8782 >>8794

>>10438369 (/lb)

It is not illegal to practise Christianity in Israel. It is illegal to harass and intimidate and try to 'force' conversion.

But regardless of what the positive laws happen to be in Israel, those are political issues, not the issues of race or religion. Immoral politicians can and have imposed laws in the name of various 'group' interests even if it contradicts the core elements. We've seen that in America, with unjust laws and regulations. These also do not stand as equivalent to what Christians believe.

>>10438355 (/lb)

It's not a straw man to identify the division logic (polylogism) inherentnin your own pronouncements. You are literally writing statements based on it.

I notice that you anti-Jew shills' tactic is always to preface what you write with some blanket smear or accusation, instead of addressing the key points made first and then explain how it's not the case.

That tactic is designed specifically to 'trigger' a rejection psychology in readers.

>"God created Borders"

You don't know the mind of God.

All you know is that people created all borders, and you can argue whether their actions were 'human' or 'manifestation of the mind of God'.

>"Judaism is not compatible with the West"

I just responded to that false claim in the very post you referenced. Merely repeating your statement isn't an argument.

Everything in your reply presupposes Marxist categories of social relations. Groups only, and ignores individual values, thoughts and actions.

>>10438336 (/lb)

>"It's a verifiable fact"

No, it's a verifiable fact that Communism came to the world as a Messianic creed, which is inherent in ALL 3 GREAT RELIGIONS.

You need to study your history more, instead of pushing a pre-determined narrative and then cherry picking 'facts' and twisting them to support your narrative. You're operating exactly like fake news.

>>10438322 (/lb)

>"Judaism and Islam are both political systems disguised as religions"

Well isn't that convenient to your "I'm a Christian Qanon and hater of Judaism (Jews) and Islam (Muslims)". Perfect 'ammo' for fake news to 'cite' as 'fact-based evidence' that QAnons are just bigots and haters "disguised as independent thinking MAGA".

If Judaism and Islam are political doctrines, then so is Christianity by pure logic, for all 3 stem from Abrahamic prophecies of a universe Creator, the trials of humanity in history, and ultimate redemption.

>"Judaism is based on racial supremacy"

Radical extreme Judaism yes, but then so does radical extreme Christianity, and radical extreme Islam.

Your interpretation of Judaism is in fact predicated on your own radical extremist ideology such that that is the only 'reality' you perceive.

Clearly Rabbi Aryeh's speech at the RNC convention contradicts your radical extremist vision of what you claim Judaism is, for his speech was one of UNITY of all people under God.

>"Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported"


This one man's ramblings are not "the" definitive interpretations of Judaism.

But he does serve as a good straw man to continually knock to push a pre-determined Marxist view of humanity doesn't it?

>>10438309 (/lb)

Radical extreme Islam is not Islam.

>>10438296 (/lb)

>"There is no such thing"

Sure there is. Jesus was a Galilean Jew. The tenets of Judaism and Christianity are in many ways identical. It's why the term is used all over the world by independent sources.

>"Religious Jews reject Christ"

Well sure, but that doesn't equal rejecting the values that Jesus also preached.

One can believe that both Jesus was not the Son of God AND believe in the values Jesus spoke about.

I can believe Trump is not God AND accept much of what he says.

>>10438289 (/lb)

>"The problem is not Jews, it's Jewish collective power"

I literally just addressed that claim in the very post you're now replying to.

It's based on a Marxist ("Jewish" in your own collectivist view) categories of social relations.

You can't refute a reply to a claim by repeating the claim and ignoring the reply.

>>10348276 (/lb)

How is any of this relevant?

>>10438208 (/lb)

All Democrats.

Jay Sukelow is Jewish and he DEFENDED POTUS.

Anonymous ID: 998465 Aug. 27, 2020, 9:02 a.m. No.10439231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9271 >>9273


False dichotomy that presupposes incompatibility.

Also, you provided no sauce that Dershowitz even accepts that dichotomy


I've already addressed your copypasta claim in the very post your replied to.

It is not illegal to practise Christianity in Israel.

But, any positive law in Israel is not identical necessarily with the reality of Judaism, just like American law is not necessarily identical to Christianity.


This is contradicted by Jews NOT attacking Christians, such as Rabbi Aryeh who spoke at the RNC convention.


I would not react favorably to even someone preaching my own faith, if they did that obnoxiously through yelling and disturbing the peace.


Posting 'information' about any INDIVIDUAL'S actions is NOT synonymous with having posted 'information' about all 17 million.

You are committing what's called the fallacy of composition, an error in logic caused by failure to grasp the reality of differences between an individual and a group of individuals.

All you're doing is PUSHING MARXIST POLYLOGISM, a flaw in epistemology because the reality is that all humans are bound by the exact same logical structure of the mind and of reality.


That false claim has already been addressed in the very post you replied to. Where is your response?

Communism arrived to the world as a Messianic Creed, and messianic visions of reality unite all 3 great religions.

Radical Christians during the 17th century in Germany, in Munster for example, tried to impose communism.

It isn't limited to radical Judaism.

Merely repeating the same error over and over is how Goebbels tactics operate. Why do you utilize Goebbels?

You can repeat a lie as much as you want,

it will never make it true.


Radical extreme Islam is not Islam per se.


That claim has already been addressed. Where is your adapted response to this?:

Well isn't that convenient to your "I'm a Christian Qanon and hater of Judaism (Jews) and Islam (Muslims)". Perfect 'ammo' for fake news to 'cite' as 'fact-based evidence' that QAnons are just bigots and haters "disguised as independent thinking MAGA".


If Judaism and Islam are political doctrines, then so is Christianity by pure logic, for all 3 stem from Abrahamic prophecies of a universe Creator, the trials of humanity in history, and ultimate redemption.


Trump supports the Israeli people.

Anonymous ID: 998465 Aug. 27, 2020, 9:09 a.m. No.10439294   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The logical aspect of Polylogism


Marxian polylogism asserts that the logical structure of the mind is different with the members of various social classes. Racial polylogism differs from Marxian polylogism only in so far as it ascribes to each race a peculiar logical structure of mind and maintains that all members of a definite race, no matter what their class affiliation may be, are endowed with this peculiar logical structure.


There is no need to enter here into a critique of the concepts social class and race as applied by these doctrines. It is not necessary to ask the Marxians when and how a proletarian who succeeds in joining the ranks of the bourgeoisie changes his proletarian mind into a bourgeois mind. It is superfluous to ask the racists to explain what kind of logic is peculiar to people who are not of pure racial stock. There are much more serious objections to be raised.


Neither the Marxians nor the racists nor the supporters of any other brand of polylogism ever went further than to declare that the logical structure of mind is different with various classes, races, or nations. They never ventured to demonstrate precisely in what the logic of the proletarians differs from the logic of the bourgeois, or in what the logic of the Aryans differs from the logic of the non-Aryans, or the logic of the Germans from the logic of the French or the British. In the eyes of the Marxians the Ricardian theory of comparative cost is spurious because Ricardo was a bourgeois. The German racists condemn the same theory because Ricardo was a Jew, and the German nationalists because he was an Englishman. Some German professors advanced all these three arguments together against the validity of Ricardo's teachings. However, it is not enough to reject a theory wholesale by unmasking the background of its author. What is wanted is first to expound a system of logic different from that applied by the criticized author. Then it would be necessary to examine the contested theory point by point and to show where in its reasoning inferences are made whichalthough correct from the point of view of its author's logicare invalid from the point of view of the proletarian, Aryan, or German logic. And finally, it should be explained what kind of conclusions the replacement of the author's vicious inferences by the correct inferences of the critic's own logic must lead to. As everybody knows, this never has been and never can be attempted by anybody.


Then there is the fact that there is disagreement concerning essential problems among people belonging to the same class, race, or nation. Unfortunately there are, say the Nazis, Germans who do not think in a correct German way. But if a German does not always necessarily think as he should, but may think in the manner of a man equipped with a non-German logic, who is to decide which German's ideas are truly German and which un-German? Says the late Professor Franz Oppenheimer; "The individual errs often in looking after his interests; a class never errs in the long run."3 This would suggest the infallibility of a majority vote. However, the Nazis rejected decision by majority vote as manifestly un-German. The Marxians pay lip service to the democratic principle of majority vote.4 But whenever it comes to a test they favor minority rule, provided it is the rule of their own party. Let us remember how Lenin dispersed by force the Constituent Assembly elected, under the auspices of his own government, by adult franchise, because only about one-fifth of its members were Bolshevik.


A consistent supporter of polylogism would have to maintain that ideas are correct because their author is a member of the right class, nation, or race. But consistency is not one of their virtues. Thus the Marxians are prepared to assign the epithet "proletarian thinker" to everybody whose doctrines they approve. All the others they disparage either as foes of their class or as social traitors. Hitler was even frank enough to admit that the only method available for him to sift the true Germans from the mongrels and the aliens was to enunciate a genuinely German program and to see who were ready to support it.5 A dark-haired man whose bodily features by no means fitted the prototype of the fair-haired Aryan master race, arrogated to himself the gift of discovering the only doctrine adequate to the German mind and of expelling from the ranks of the Germans all those who did not accept this doctrine whatever their bodily characteristics might be. No further proof is needed of the insincerity of the whole doctrine.