>>10438369 (/lb)
It is not illegal to practise Christianity in Israel. It is illegal to harass and intimidate and try to 'force' conversion.
But regardless of what the positive laws happen to be in Israel, those are political issues, not the issues of race or religion. Immoral politicians can and have imposed laws in the name of various 'group' interests even if it contradicts the core elements. We've seen that in America, with unjust laws and regulations. These also do not stand as equivalent to what Christians believe.
>>10438355 (/lb)
It's not a straw man to identify the division logic (polylogism) inherentnin your own pronouncements. You are literally writing statements based on it.
I notice that you anti-Jew shills' tactic is always to preface what you write with some blanket smear or accusation, instead of addressing the key points made first and then explain how it's not the case.
That tactic is designed specifically to 'trigger' a rejection psychology in readers.
>"God created Borders"
You don't know the mind of God.
All you know is that people created all borders, and you can argue whether their actions were 'human' or 'manifestation of the mind of God'.
>"Judaism is not compatible with the West"
I just responded to that false claim in the very post you referenced. Merely repeating your statement isn't an argument.
Everything in your reply presupposes Marxist categories of social relations. Groups only, and ignores individual values, thoughts and actions.
>>10438336 (/lb)
>"It's a verifiable fact"
No, it's a verifiable fact that Communism came to the world as a Messianic creed, which is inherent in ALL 3 GREAT RELIGIONS.
You need to study your history more, instead of pushing a pre-determined narrative and then cherry picking 'facts' and twisting them to support your narrative. You're operating exactly like fake news.
>>10438322 (/lb)
>"Judaism and Islam are both political systems disguised as religions"
Well isn't that convenient to your "I'm a Christian Qanon and hater of Judaism (Jews) and Islam (Muslims)". Perfect 'ammo' for fake news to 'cite' as 'fact-based evidence' that QAnons are just bigots and haters "disguised as independent thinking MAGA".
If Judaism and Islam are political doctrines, then so is Christianity by pure logic, for all 3 stem from Abrahamic prophecies of a universe Creator, the trials of humanity in history, and ultimate redemption.
>"Judaism is based on racial supremacy"
Radical extreme Judaism yes, but then so does radical extreme Christianity, and radical extreme Islam.
Your interpretation of Judaism is in fact predicated on your own radical extremist ideology such that that is the only 'reality' you perceive.
Clearly Rabbi Aryeh's speech at the RNC convention contradicts your radical extremist vision of what you claim Judaism is, for his speech was one of UNITY of all people under God.
>"Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported"
This one man's ramblings are not "the" definitive interpretations of Judaism.
But he does serve as a good straw man to continually knock to push a pre-determined Marxist view of humanity doesn't it?
>>10438309 (/lb)
Radical extreme Islam is not Islam.
>>10438296 (/lb)
>"There is no such thing"
Sure there is. Jesus was a Galilean Jew. The tenets of Judaism and Christianity are in many ways identical. It's why the term is used all over the world by independent sources.
>"Religious Jews reject Christ"
Well sure, but that doesn't equal rejecting the values that Jesus also preached.
One can believe that both Jesus was not the Son of God AND believe in the values Jesus spoke about.
I can believe Trump is not God AND accept much of what he says.
>>10438289 (/lb)
>"The problem is not Jews, it's Jewish collective power"
I literally just addressed that claim in the very post you're now replying to.
It's based on a Marxist ("Jewish" in your own collectivist view) categories of social relations.
You can't refute a reply to a claim by repeating the claim and ignoring the reply.
>>10348276 (/lb)
How is any of this relevant?
>>10438208 (/lb)
All Democrats.
Jay Sukelow is Jewish and he DEFENDED POTUS.