August go "Hot" yet? No? "Soon" tho, right? Top Kek.
tHe StOrM iS uPoN uS! nOtHiNg CaN sToP wHaT iS cOmInG! sOoN! bOoM! Derrrrrrrp. Nothin' is coming…because it's a re-election campaign.
Then get on back to your village, idiot.
Right Right…Cool. Because I think this is bullshit, I automatically side with the Dems? You're sadly mistaken. Good try though, champ.
Because I can believe both the MSM, and this whole deal here, are both full of shit. They're not mutually exclusive, genius.
What you have been supplied is plethora of riddles, with "open-ended" interpretations. You've also been told that "misinfo/disinfo" is necessary, thus creating the ability to dismiss anything that doesn't happen, as misinfo. Designed to continue to drag you along by the balls until they reach their desired conclusion (re-election)