Anonymous ID: 7d3820 Aug. 27, 2020, 12:08 p.m. No.10440960   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1377 >>1383 >>1538 >>1605

Revolt at Chamber of Commerce Over Endorsement of Democrats


One of the most traditional establishment Republican organizations in the country, the Chamber of Commerce, is set to endorse nearly two dozen freshman Democrats for re-election—and members and donors are angry.


The Chamber has donated nearly $100 million to Republican candidates over the last decade and has endorsed some Democrats in the past. But the controversy over these endorsements threatens the Republican Party at a crucial time. Several other high-profile GOP-leaning groups — the NRA and Koch brothers network — have reduced their donations this year for a variety of reasons and some vulnerable Republican candidates are already hurting for cash. The Chamber’s plan will certainly have an effect on some GOP-targeted races where vulnerable Democrats are running.




There is particular concern the Democrats in question do not have the pro-business record an endorsement would convey. State Chamber of Oklahoma President Chad Warmington wrote a letter Tuesday to national Chamber leaders fervently opposing the proposal to back Rep. Kendra Horn, perhaps the most vulnerable House Democrat in the country.


Citing the Oklahoma congresswoman’s voting record on energy issues, Warmington wrote, “I question how the U.S. Chamber could endorse a candidate who consistently voted against the largest industry in Oklahoma, employing over 90,000 workers throughout the state. That is hardly a pro-business record. I am also concerned the U.S. Chamber would endorse a congresswoman that voted in lockstep with Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats who are not pro-business nearly 90 percent of the time.”


The wind is changing direction in Washington and most pro-business groups are hedging their bets as Democrats look more and more likely to keep control of the House and take over the Senate.


And the Chamber is decidedly lukewarm about the current occupant of the White House. The group has actively opposed Donald Trump’s immigration policies and don’t care much for his tariffs either.


But this isn’t about immigration or tariffs. This is about shifting allegiances during a political campaign that will determine what kind of United States emerges from the election.


Apparently, the Chamber leadership is willing to live with much of the anti-business agenda of the Democrats.


As national Chamber leaders express a willingness to help reelect House Democrats, rank-and-file members of the organization are arguing the Democrats have taken positions that are anathema to corporations. Several of the Democratic lawmakers the Chamber is planning to endorse support a $15 minimum wage, a policy that many in the business world fiercely oppose.


The internal fight is just the latest headache for the Chamber, which for decades was regarded as a giant in the lobbying world. The group has recently generated headlines for its frosty relationship with the White House and alleged lavish spending on private jets.


Does the Chamber really believe they can placate the fanatics in the Democratic Party by backing a few milquetoast liberals in Congress? I doubt whether Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or the gimlet-eyed radicals in the Senate care who they give their money to. They want their knee on the Chamber members’ necks and a hand in their pockets reaching for their wallets. They will pay their “fair share” of taxes and implement the Democrats’ radical workplace agenda and keep their mouths shut.

Anonymous ID: 7d3820 Aug. 27, 2020, 12:09 p.m. No.10440971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1004 >>1079

'Enough Is Enough': CovCath Attorney Lin Wood Offers to Help Kyle Rittenhouse For Free After GoFundMe Shuts Down Legal Defense Fund


"If Kyle cannot defend himself under the circumstances shown in videos, we are all at risk."


Lin Wood, the famed attorney who successfully represented Covington Catholic's Nick Sandmann in multiple lawsuits against the media, graciously and heroically offered to help Kyle Rittenhouse for free on Thursday morning after GoFundMe suspended his legal defense fund.


Rittenhouse is disturbingly being charged with first-degree murder for defending himself against a registered sex offender involved in sex crimes with a minor and two other violent assailants with criminal records that attacked him during the riots on Tuesday night in Kenosha, Wisconsin.


After witnessing Democrat congresswoman Ayanna Pressley smear Rittenhouse as a "white supremacist domestic terrorist," Lin Wood tweeted: "Ayanna Pressley just got condemned to the World of the Blocked. She is no Elvis. And I am not a criminal defense lawyer but I am going to see what I can do tomorrow to help Kyle Rittenhouse. If a private defense lawyer steps up to defend him, please notify me of his or her name."


Ayanna Pressley just got condemned to the World of the Blocked. She is no Elvis. And I am not a criminal defense lawyer but I am going to see what I can do tomorrow to help Kyle Rittenhouse. If a private defense lawyer steps up to defend him, please notify me of his or her name.

— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) August 27, 2020


"If there is something I can do, Kyle will not need to pay me," Lin Wood said in a follow-up tweet after seeing a campaign to help Rittenhouse had collected some $50,000 on Fundly. "God has blessed me with enough & enough is always enough. These charges must be dismissed as video clearly shows justified acts of self-defense. When dismissed, accusers should be held accountable & they should pay."


If there is something I can do, Kyle will not need to pay me. God has blessed me with enough & enough is always enough. These charges must be dismissed as video clearly shows justified acts of self-defense. When dismissed, accusers should be held accountable & they should pay.

— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) August 27, 2020


Fundly also shut down Rittenhouse's legal defense fund seemingly just minutes later.


"I will be speaking with Attorney John Pierce later today about Kyle Rittenhouse," Lin Wood said in another tweet. "John has taken lead in helping form #FightBack Foundation … Enough is enough."


I will be speaking with Attorney John Pierce later today about Kyle Rittenhouse. John has taken lead in helping form #FightBack Foundation.


To help or provide information about Kyle, please contact John Pierce at or @CaliKidJMP.


Enough is enough.

— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) August 27, 2020


I hear you. I am ready. ALL need to be on the ready. I will do what I can but we must ALL do whatever we can to #FightBack. This is going to get worse before it gets better. We are ALL in this together. Pray for Kyle Rittenhouse. Pray for our country.

— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) August 27, 2020


"In touch with some great people in effort to get Kyle Rittenhouse competent defense counsel," Lin Wood said in another follow-up tweet. "Michelle Malkin is an American hero."


"The line in the sand has been crossed," Lin Wood said. "If Kyle cannot defend himself under the circumstances shown in videos, we are all at risk. Think about it."


In touch with some great people in effort to get Kyle Rittenhouse competent defense counsel. @michellemalkin is an American hero.


The line in the sand has been crossed. If Kyle cannot defend himself under the circumstances shown in videos, we are all at risk.


Think about it.

— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) August 27, 2020


God bless this American hero!

Anonymous ID: 7d3820 Aug. 27, 2020, 12:12 p.m. No.10440999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1018

New Models Of Small Arms Of Chinese Special Forces


Written by Colonel B. Kalinichev; Originally appeared at Foreign Military Review 2019 #2, translated by AlexD exclusively for SouthFront


In the People’s Republic of China (PRC), when re-equipping special forces units with new models of small arms, preference is increasingly given to nationally-developed models made according to the standards of the NATO alliance.


So, along with pistols of the Colt series (USA) and Beretta (Italy), the divisions of the SPU of China receive QSZ 92 personal weapons of their own development of two main calibers: for the reinforced 9x19mm NATO standard cartridge and for the original, 5.8x21mm. A special feature of the latter is the increased penetration ability, which ensures that the target is hit in a standard army bulletproof vest at a distance of up to 60m.


The automatic pistol works on the principle of bolt recoil when the barrel is short. Turning the barrel locks the pistol. It has a double-acting trigger mechanism (USM). The frame of the weapon is made of impact-resistant polymer material. The kit includes replaceable inserts for the pistol grip, which ensures that the weapon fits the anatomical features of the shooter’s palm.


In addition, in two versions of the caliber – 9 and 5.8mm, the SPU PLA adopted a submachine gun Type 05. Made according to the “bullpup” layout scheme, it is equipped with a removable device for silent and flame-free shooting. The 9mm weapon has the designation Type 05 JS and, unlike the 5.8mm model, is equipped with a collimator sight.


Automatic weapons work is based on the recoil of the free bolt. The trigger mechanism provides the ability to fire in semi-automatic mode, short bursts with a cut-off of three shots and long bursts. The receiver is made of aluminum, the elements of the box are made of plastic. The carrying handle and handguard provide a universal mounting for optical and optoelectronic devices.

Anonymous ID: 7d3820 Aug. 27, 2020, 12:14 p.m. No.10441020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1377 >>1538 >>1605

U.S. Mulls Repercussions for Europe’s Alliance With Iran


After Europe breaks with U.S. on Iran arms ban, diplomatic ties hit historic low


Multiple European nations' diplomatic priorities may be on the line as the Trump administration examines a range of options to pressure these countries after their refusal to back the United States in its efforts to expand sanctions on Iran, according to current and former U.S. officials.


U.S. diplomats are seeking to force European allies to split with Iran and its allies, Russia and China. Multiple sources who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon outlined a range of European priorities the administration could leverage in this pressure campaign, including a free trade agreement sought by the British, increased coordination on Lebanon needed by the French, and a range of items the Germans have sought to revive ties with America. These sources spoke only on background about ongoing discussions in the administration about how to respond to Europe's intransigence on Iran.


Relations between the United States and its European allies are at historic lows following a failed vote at the United Nations Security Council earlier this month to indefinitely extend a ban on Iran's purchase of advanced weaponry. With the embargo set to lift in mid-October, the administration is now pushing to reimpose all sanctions on Tehran that were lifted under the nuclear deal—an effort that traditional allies France, Germany, and the United Kingdom publicly oppose. These European nations joined with Russia and China in opposing the United States.


Senior U.S. officials told the Free Beacon earlier this month that they are livid with Europe for abandoning America as it sought to extend the Iran weapons ban. The dispute spilled into public view on Tuesday, when U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Kelly Craft accused European allies of "standing in the company of terrorists." The administration shows no signs of backing down from the diplomatic fight, which is likely to elevate foreign policy issues in the lead up to the 2020 presidential election. U.S. ties to Europe have chilled in recent years due to the Trump administration's bid to pressure NATO allies into paying a greater share of the alliance's costs.


"The Europeans are clearly upset with the Americans for leaving the [Iran nuclear deal], but that doesn't seem like a good enough reason to essentially greenlight an influx of weapons to Iran," one U.S. diplomat familiar with discussions at the U.N. told the Free Beacon. "That's got to be quite difficult to explain to their citizens."


Trump administration allies in Congress remain angry with Europe and acknowledge that relations with the United States could crumble over the Iran dispute.


A spokesman for Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas), an Iran hawk, said "the fecklessness shown over the last few weeks by Britain, France, and Germany will obviously and unfortunately complicate our relations."


"Sen. Cruz believes that America's allies should stand with us and not with Iran's regime that chants ‘death to America' and wants to build nuclear weapons to incinerate American cities," the spokesman said.

Anonymous ID: 7d3820 Aug. 27, 2020, 12:16 p.m. No.10441042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1377 >>1538 >>1605

Chronicles Of Ceasefire: Drugs At Frontline And Clouds Over Party Of War


Pro-Kiev forces have been hitting fresh highs of the degradation amid the ceasefire in the region of Donbass in eastern Ukraine.


The ceasefire between the Kiev regime and self-defense forces of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR) officially stated on June 27 and as of July 27 it mostly remained in force in the region. The sides regularly accuse each other of ceasefire violations and pro-Kiev and DPR/LPR forces even suffer casualties. In aprticular, units loyal to the Kiev regime recently suffered several casualties as a result of mine explosions during failed raids in the ‘gray zone’ near positions of the DPR and the LPR. However, the intensity of artillery strikes and regular firefights on the contact line significantly decreased. Small arms and small-calibre mortars are still actively employed.


At the same time, the Ukrainian Army and illegal armed groups loyal to Kiev (but barely controlled by the Zelensky administration) have been contributing extensive efforts to strengthen their fortifications on the frontline. DPR and LPR militias respond in a similar manner.


According to interviews of Ukrainian servicemen surfacing online, the decrease of tensions also negatively impacted the already low moral level of pro-Kiev forces. Earlier, there were multiple reports about the usage of alcohol, drugs, the lack of discipline, the open participation in organized crime and the intentional terror against local population by pro-Kiev units. The Zelensky administration and the military leadership of Ukraine failed to exploit the ceasefire to deal with these problems.


“The regular army should not sit idle because the moral decay begins. I still keep my battalion in my fist, but our neighbors have already started a mess – the fighters began to drink alcohol due to idleness, they even smoke weed at watch. Therefore, you need to send them to fight or to the rear. Contractors like the situation that they don’t shoot. But the personnel have changed dramatically over the past two years. Most of the contractors are zarobitchane (hint: a local word for Ukrainian migrant workers). They came from remote villages to earn money. Of course, they are calmer when it’s safe and the money is paid,” quotes a lieutenant-colonel, Sergey, deployed in the combat zone.


The lack of the constant threat of a military escalation (for years, intentionally fueled by Kiev) also removed the cover from apparent negative tendencies in the Ukrainian society. The political, social and economic crisis becomes obvious when the population is no more distracted by the never-ending “war with Russia” (Russia did not come to fight). On August 25, the extraordinary session of the Ukrainian Parliament approved the EU Credit Memorandum under which the country surrendered the vestiges of its sovereignty to foreign actors in exchange for the new loan (600,000 EUR + 600,000 EUR if all demands are met). SouthFront covered this in details HERE.

Anonymous ID: 7d3820 Aug. 27, 2020, 12:22 p.m. No.10441126   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1143 >>1150 >>1152 >>1255 >>1266 >>1377 >>1538 >>1605

U.S. Marshals Find DOZENS of Missing Children in Georgia


Washington, DC – The U.S. Marshals Service Missing Child Unit, in conjunction with the agency’s Southeast Regional Fugitive Task Force, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) and Georgia state and local agencies, led a two-week operation in August in Atlanta and Macon, Georgia, to rescue endangered missing children.


“Operation Not Forgotten” resulted in the rescue of 26 children, the safe location of 13 children and the arrest of nine criminal associates. Additionally, investigators cleared 26 arrest warrants and filed additional charges for alleged crimes related to sex trafficking, parental kidnapping, registered sex offender violations, drugs and weapons possession, and custodial interference. The 26 warrants cleared included 19 arrest warrants for a total of nine individuals arrested, some of whom had multiple warrants.


The Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015 enhanced the U.S. Marshals’ authority to assist federal, state, and local law enforcement with the recovery of missing, endangered or abducted children, regardless of whether a fugitive or sex offender was involved. The Marshals established a Missing Child Unit to oversee and manage the implementation of its enhanced authority under the act.


In 2019, the USMS helped recover 295 missing children based on requests for assistance from law enforcement and has contributed to the recovery of a missing child in 75 percent of cases received. Additionally, of the missing children recovered, 66 percent were recovered within seven days of the USMS assisting with the case. Since its partnership with NCMEC began in 2005, the agency has recovered more than 1,800 missing children.


“When we track down fugitives, it’s a good feeling to know that we’re putting the bad guy behind bars. But that sense of accomplishment is nothing compared to finding a missing child,” said Darby Kirby, Chief of the Missing Child Unit. “It’s hard to put into words what we feel when we rescue a missing child, but I can tell you that this operation has impacted every single one of us out here. We are working to protect them and get them the help they need.”


This initiative was the culmination of several months of planning and coordination between the USMS, NCMEC, Georgia Bureau of Investigation, Georgia Office of the Attorney General, Georgia Department of Family and Children Services, Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.

Anonymous ID: 7d3820 Aug. 27, 2020, 12:28 p.m. No.10441194   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FBI ‘double standard’ briefing Hillary Clinton & NOT Trump. The redacted country revealed…


Lindsey Graham said Sunday that the FBI and Justice Department exhibited a ‘double standard’ in the 2016 presidential race in how it went about informing Hillary Clinton about an investigation into foreign influence in her campaign but did not do the same for Donald Trump.


The South Carolina senator told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo on Sunday morning that FBI leadership shot down a request for a FISA warrant until Clinton was briefed on the matter.


‘They never did to Trump,’ Graham said during his interview on ‘Sunday Morning Futures.’ ‘As a matter of fact, not only did they not tell Trump, they used a generic briefing to spy on Trump.’


He pointed to a newly released redacted document detailing an October meeting where FBI personnel briefed the Clinton campaign so they were able to fix the issue without a FISA warrant ever being needed.

Anonymous ID: 7d3820 Aug. 27, 2020, 12:29 p.m. No.10441205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1239

Let’s Talk U.S. Foreign Policy: It Is the Root Cause of Many Evils


As the United States sinks deeper into a multi-faceted global crisis that no politician seems able or even willing to address, one hears more and more often demands for radical change in who runs the country and to what end. Of course, Donald J. Trump offered such a dramatic shift in priorities four years ago, but he has been unable to deliver due to his own inability to execute and the ill-conceived machinations of those whom he has chosen as advisers. The Democrats for their part are offering little beyond a repeat of their 2016 pander to grievance groups in an effort to cobble together an unassailable majority based on buying off the party’s various constituencies.


But there is one area where change could come dramatically if either party were actually motivated to do something that would truly benefit the American people, and that is in the area of foreign and national security policy where the president has considerable power to set priorities and redirect both the State and Defense Departments. Unfortunately, foreign and national security policy is almost never discussed during the presidential campaigns and this time would already appear to be no exception. That means that the one thing that is a constant amidst all the smoke and mirrors is the continued bellicosity of both parties on the world stage.


The Republicans are apparently eager to “democratize” Latin America while the Democrats in particular are wedded to the “foreign interference” angle to explain their loss in 2016, with Hillary Clinton predictably advising in her Democratic National Convention speech that the public should “Vote to make sure we — not a foreign adversary — choose our president.” Indeed, the tendency to create and then demonize “foreign conspiracies” is generally supported by the establishment and its parasitical media, since it enables the billionaire oligarchs who really run the country to grow fatter while also avoiding any blame for the declining fortunes of most of the American people.


The Democrats are currently taking pains to recall the so-called “Russian interference” in 2016, and are expecting or possibly even hoping for more of the same this year. Tying Trump to Russian President Vladimir Putin is obviously perceived as a game winner, even though the just-completed investigations into the events of 2016 are at best ambiguous. Early prognostications by journalist-pundits in the foreign interference sweepstakes indicate that both China and Iran will be supporting Joe Biden while Russia wants to continue with Trump. No one bothers to explain how those countries will express their preferences or what kind of impact they could possibly have.


One thing that is certain is that both parties will continue their deference to Israel which in turn means hostility towards Iran and its few friends worldwide. The U.S. media has not reported the almost daily bombings of Syria and Gaza by Israel and even largely failed to cover how two weeks ago the United States Navy seized four Greek flagged oil tankers transporting more than a million gallons of fuel to economic basket case Venezuela, a country which is in its sad condition due to sanctions and other “maximum pressure” at the hands of Washington. The fuel was seized based on unilaterally imposed U.S. sanctions on Iranian sale or export of its own petroleum products, a move intended to strangle the Iranian economy and bring about an uprising of the Iranian people. Such a move used to be called piracy.

Anonymous ID: 7d3820 Aug. 27, 2020, 12:31 p.m. No.10441222   🗄️.is 🔗kun

White House Is Compiling A ‘Dossier’ Of Reporters Publishing ‘False’ Articles Regarding Trump, Deputy Press Sec Claims


Deputy White House press secretary Judd Deere says that the administration is compiling a “dossier” of “false” articles published by reporters regarding President Donald Trump.


Deere originally discussed the dossier with The Washington Post when asked for comment on a story titled, “Room rentals, resort fees and furniture removal: How Trump’s company charged the U.S. government more than $900,000.”


“The Washington Post is blatantly interfering with the business relationships of the Trump Organization, and it must stop,” he stated. “Please be advised that we are building up a very large ‘dossier’ on the many false David Fahrenthold and others stories as they are a disgrace to journalism and the American people, ” Deere told WAPO.


When asked to clarify by Daily Caller, Deere simply answered that he had “nothing to add.”


The Washington Post piece — by-lined by Fahrenthold, Josh Dawsey, and Joshua Partlow — explained how federal agencies have spent nearly $1 million at Trump Organization properties since President Donald Trump took office in 2017.


The piece notes that Trump properties frequently charged Secret Service for “resort” and “furniture removal” fees and often negotiated the federal government into reserving rooms for 2-week-long blocks, on the off chance Trump added travel to his schedule.


The piece claims that, despite his campaign promise to not use the presidency to enrich himself, POTUS has steered millions to the Trump Organization both through his official travel and headlining numerous Republican events held at his properties.

Anonymous ID: 7d3820 Aug. 27, 2020, 12:40 p.m. No.10441305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1377 >>1538 >>1605

Military Situation In Syria On August 27, 2020 (Map Update)


A brief overview of the recent developments in Syria:


Syrian Arab Army (SAA) artillery shelled Turkish-backed militants’ positions in the villages of Ziyarah and Tal Wasit;

American soldiers were injured in a recent standoff with Russian forces in Malikiyah countryside;

According to the spokesman of the Russian forces in Syria the activities of the extreme terrorist groups increased since the release of a large number of them as part of the “pardon” decision taken by Rojava;

Two unidentified gunmen on a motorbike attacked the headquarters of the SDF with a hand grenade in the town of Al-Baghouz;

Anonymous ID: 7d3820 Aug. 27, 2020, 12:45 p.m. No.10441351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1372 >>1391 >>1501

Elon Musk's Net Worth Eclipses $100 Billion As The Fed Drives Inequality Gap Wider


Of all the subsidies Elon Musk has received for Tesla, there has been none bigger than the Fed injecting trillions into the stock market to buoy stock prices in the midst of one of the worst recessions the country has ever seen.


And helping along the Fed are regulators, who seem to be perfectly content in Tesla's mysterious and bewildering stock spike that has seen its shares nearly 10x off lows over the course of less than 18 months on little material news.

Anonymous ID: 7d3820 Aug. 27, 2020, 12:46 p.m. No.10441370   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Amazon's Jeff Bezos Now Worth More Than $200 Billion


Bezos became the first person ever to breach the $200 billion threshold

Year-to-date, Amazon shares have surged more than 86%

Bezos' wealth is largely tied to his holdings in Amazon stock


Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon (AMZN), now has a net worth of $202 billion, the Bloomberg Billionaires Index indicates.


Bezos became the first person ever to breach the $200 billion threshold. Microsoft (MSFT) co-founder Bill Gates is in second place, a distant $78 billion behind Bezos.


Bezos, whose wealth is largely tied to his holdings in Amazon stock, first became the world’s wealthiest man in 2017. By the following year his personal wealth crossed the $150 billion barrier.


Year-to-date, Amazon shares have surged more than 86% as the online retailer has flourished due to the huge demand for deliveries during the stay-at-home coronavirus pandemic.


The company now has a market cap of $1.72 trillion, second in size only to Apple (AAPL), which is valued at $2.16 trillion.


To put Bezos’ wealth in perspective, his personal net worth is now comparable to the annual gross domestic product of countries like New Zealand, Qatar and Greece.


Bezos’ former wife MacKenzie Scott is now in 13th place on Bloomberg’s Billionaires Index after having received about $37 billion in her divorce settlement last year. Her net worth is now $66 billion.


Bezos and Gates are followed in the top 10 wealthiest by Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg (net worth $115 billion); Tesla's Elon Musk ($101 billion); Bernard Arnault ($86.6 billion); Berkshire Hathaway's Warren Buffett ($81.2 billion); Mukesh Ambani ($81.1 billion); Steve Ballmer ($79.3 billion); Larry Page ($77.9 billion); and Sergey Brin ($75.5 billion).


Eight of the top 10 wealthiest are Americans (although Google cofounder Brin was born in Russia). Page is the other cofounder of Google, while Ballmer is the former CEO of Microsoft and now owns the Los Angeles Clippers basketball team.


Arnault, chairman and chief executive of LVMH Moët Hennessy–Louis Vuitton, ranks as the wealthiest European, while India’s Ambani, chief of the Reliance Industries conglomerate, ranks as the richest Asian.


Francoise Bettencourt Meyers, the heiress whose family owns the L'Oreal company, is the highest ranked woman, in 12th place.

Anonymous ID: 7d3820 Aug. 27, 2020, 12:50 p.m. No.10441407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1474 >>1538 >>1605

Fast Moving Hurricane Laura Moves Inland – 670,000+ Without Power…


Laura made landfall near the Texas-Louisiana border overnight (Cameron, LA) as a Cat-4 hurricane with a maximum sustained wind speed of 150 mph. At least 670,000+ residents in Louisiana and Texas are without power as of Thursday afternoon as officials worked to recover in the wake of coastal storm surges and destructive flash flooding. Louisiana has the bulk of the outages with 554,000, while Texas reports around 138,000.


Anyone who needs help, feel free to reach out in the comments section or send us an email and we will do everything we can to assist. CTH also has an admin in zone; prayers continue. The full Louisiana National Guard has been activated to respond.


But first, there will be an assessment. The convoys will stage at pre-determined locations using radios for communication. Most cell phone services will likely be knocked out. Recovery teams will begin a street-by-street review; everything needs to be evaluated prior to thinking about beginning to rebuild a grid. Your patience within this process is needed; heck, it ain’t like you’ve got a choice in the matter…. so just stay positive.


Meanwhile, you might walk outside and find yourself a stranger in your neighborhood.


It will all be cattywampus.


Trees gone, signs gone, crap everywhere, if you don’t need to travel, DON’T.


I mean CRAP e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e.


Stay away from power-lines.


Try to stay within your immediate neighborhood for the first 36-48 hours. Keep the roadways and main arteries clear for recovery workers, power companies and fuel trucks.


Be entirely prepared to be lost in your own neighborhood and town for days, weeks, and even months. Unknown to you – your subconscious mind is like a human GPS mapping system. When that raging Laura takes away the subconscious landmarks I guarantee you – you are gonna get lost, make wrong turns, miss the exit etc.


It’s kinda funny and weird at the same time.


Your brain is wired to turn left at the big oak next to the Church, and the road to your house is likely two streets past the 7-11 or Circle-k. You don’t even notice that’s how you travel around town; that’s just your brain working – it is what it is.



Anonymous ID: 7d3820 Aug. 27, 2020, 12:52 p.m. No.10441425   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hundreds of Israelis Call for Netanyahu's Resignation in Tel Aviv, Haifa Protest Marches


Protesters are calling on Netanyahu to resign over corruption cases and mishandling the coronavirus crisis


Hundreds of Israelis are marching in protest in Tel Aviv and Haifa on Thursday, calling on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to resign.


A wave of anti-Netanyahu protests has swept Israel over the summer, with the largest weekly demonstration taking place every Saturday night near the prime minister's official residence in Jerusalem.


In Tel Aviv, several hundred protesters began marching from Rabin Square to the Government Complex in the city. They were told by police their protest was illegal, as they were blocking traffic, and called on them to disperse.


However, they also said they are escorting the march and directing traffic through alternative routes, effectively allowing the demonstration to continue.


Protesters are calling on Netanyahu to resign amid criminal charges in three corruption cases, as well as public accusations that he is leading anti-democratic measures and mishandling the coronavirus crisis.

Anonymous ID: 7d3820 Aug. 27, 2020, 12:55 p.m. No.10441441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1472

Where to Find God


Satanists have programmed our minds to shut down at the mention of "God," our loving Creator, and benefactor. For Satanists, God is the competition.


So they created this ridiculous straw man image of an omnipotent God and held Him responsible for all that goes wrong, when in fact, God depends on us to do His will.


We can't find God because we are God. Obviously, not the Creator but our true identity is that spark of Divinity which God implanted in the human soul.


I asked an "atheist" if she believed there is a difference between good and evil. She said she did. Then you believe in God. God is the Moral Order.


Our desire for God, our spiritual aspirations for beauty, truth, goodness, love, and justice define us as human.


Our souls are confined in the bodies of apes. We are thwarted when 'we' identify with our monkey thoughts, such as greed, lust, and fear instead of God. God hears all our thoughts. If we let Him edit these thoughts, we can experience Him our true Self. The Kingdom of Heaven is within.


"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' … 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." Mark 12:30-31


The soul must tame the animal. Satanists reject the soul. "We… do not embrace the concept of a soul imprisoned in a body," says the Church of Satan. They make their appetites and whims supreme and pronounce them god. These depraved freaks are the Illuminati. They run the world and want to degrade humanity to their level.

Anonymous ID: 7d3820 Aug. 27, 2020, 12:57 p.m. No.10441453   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1506 >>1538 >>1557 >>1605

Trump Says Can Send Much Bigger National Guard Force to Wisconsin if Necessary


US President Donald Trump said on Thursday that he is ready to deploy far more US National Guard soldiers to the state of Wisconsin if needed to restore order amid unrest in the wake of the Jacob Blake shooting.


“We called up the National Guard. We sent them out and they did a fantastic job last night. We had virtually no incident," Trump said. “So, it went very, very smooth. We had a relatively small force. We can be much larger. If necessary, we’ll move a much larger force there, but we didn’t need too much and it worked out very well in Wisconsin.”


Trump said he appreciated the fact that the governor of Wisconsin had requested federal help with local protests, and said the city of Portland should do the same thing.


The president added that if any cities have problems and request the help of the National Guard, he will deploy forces immediately.


“We will put out the fire, we will put out the flame. We will put out the vandalism,” he said. “All they have to do is call … We’ll have the National Guard there and we will stop the violence very quickly.”


Blake, 29, was shot in the back by police in front of his children on Sunday in the Wisconsin city of Kenosha while he was reportedly trying to break up a fight between two women. Blake's father said the man had been shot seven times, which left him paralyzed from the waist down.


The incident ignited a new wave of protests against police brutality and racial discrimination in the United States, which initially started with the killing of another African American man, George Floyd, in police custody on 25 May. The city of Portland has witnessed nightly protests for the last three months.

Anonymous ID: 7d3820 Aug. 27, 2020, 12:59 p.m. No.10441467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1500 >>1538 >>1605

Army doctor at RNC who became nun: ‘I’m not just pro-life. I’m pro–eternal life’


Sister Deirdre Byrne, a nun who was formerly a colonel in the U.S. Army Medical Corps, gave a knock-out speech at the Republican National Convention last night.


A religious sister who was formerly a colonel in the U.S. Army Medical Corps gave a knock-out speech at the Republican National Convention last night, moving from a description of her recent work with refugees to her concern for the unborn.


“Those refugees all share a common experience,” said Sister Deirdre “Dede” Byrne, POSC.


“They have all been marginalized, viewed as insignificant, powerless and voiceless. And while we tend to think of the marginalized as living beyond our borders, the truth is the largest marginalized group in the world can be found here in the United States,” she continued.


“They are the unborn.”


Sister Dede held up the Lord Jesus Christ both as an example of someone once an embryo and as a model of defending justice against political correctness.


“It is no coincidence that Jesus stood up for what was just and was ultimately crucified because what He said wasn’t politically correct or fashionable,” she said.


“As followers of Christ, we are called to stand up for life against the politically correct or fashionable of today. We must fight against a legislative agenda that supports and even celebrates destroying life in the womb.”


Sister Dede combined her roles as a spiritual leader and a doctor to get across her deeply pro-life, humanitarian, and unabashedly Christian message.


“Keep in mind, the laws we create define how we see our humanity,” she said.


“And we must ask ourselves, ‘What are we saying when we go into a womb and snuff out an innocent, powerless, voiceless life?’” she continued.

Anonymous ID: 7d3820 Aug. 27, 2020, 1:01 p.m. No.10441486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1493 >>1523 >>1535

Man faces incest charges after wife catches him having sex with his mum


Cheryl and Tony allegedly told police it “just happened” after they had grown especially close to each other in the last few months.


A mother and son could spend up to 20 years behind bars after they were busted having sex – allegedly by the man’s wife.


Both say it was the first time such an encounter occurred between them and it had “just happened”.


Tony L Lavoie, 43, lives with his mother Cheryl Lavoie, 64, in the US state of Massachusetts.


Police were called to their home on May 20 after reports of a disturbance, local newspaper Sentinel and Enterprise reports.

Anonymous ID: 7d3820 Aug. 27, 2020, 1:04 p.m. No.10441510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1516 >>1530 >>1556 >>1571

Australian Woman is Jailed for Six months for Breaking COVID Quarantine Rules


Recently, the world spotlight has been on the Australian government, as they impose draconian lockdown measures in the state of Victoria – all under the guise of “fighting COVID-19.”


More than any other country, Australia appears to be ground zero for advancing the globalist New Normal agenda.


This latest lockdown incident demonstrates the lengths to which the government is prepared go in order to restrict movement of its citizens.


Evening Standard reports…


A woman has been slapped with a six-month prison sentence after breaking strict Australian coronavirus quarantine rules.


Asher Faye Vander Sanden, 28, pleaded guilty in Perth Magistrates Court to breaking Western Australia’s emergency coronavirus laws by sneaking into the state in a truck.


Ms Vander Sanden was arrested at her partner’s home in Perth suburb Scarborough on August 11 after travelling by road from the state of Victoria – a journey of around 2,000 miles.


She had been given permission to fly to Perth and quarantine in a hotel for 14 days before meeting her boyfriend.


Local police launched an investigation when Ms Vander Sanden did not arrive at Perth airport.


She appeared in court on Tuesday remotely from Bandyup Women’s Prison where she was hit with a sentence of six months and one day in jail.


Ms Vander Sanden was made eligible for parole.


Western Australia has harsh punishments for anyone who breaks its 14-day quarantine rules. Offenders can be jailed for up to 12 months and be fined as much as A$50,000 (about £27,300).

Anonymous ID: 7d3820 Aug. 27, 2020, 1:06 p.m. No.10441528   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Waking the Sleeping Giant


In recent weeks, not only have we seen some very large holes punched in the narrative of what happened to George Floyd, but we’ve also seen the very thin veil come off, as the “peaceful protests” by Black Lives Matter and Antifa rapidly devolved into perhaps the worst string of violent riots the country has ever seen. As of this writing, the city of Portland, Oregon has been host to violent riots for 86 days straight – nearly three months of chaos.


As we all know, violence in the name of outrage (or really in the name of anything) is nothing new for the Left. No one is quicker to protest violence by smashing your face with a brick than the tolerant, loving Left. No one understands better than the Left that the way to fight perceived racism in America is with even stronger and more brazen racism. No one not even L. Frank Baum could construct a better Straw Man to rail against than the Left, and they've built one to rival Burning Man against President Trump (see Trump as racist, sexist, homophobe, Islamaphobe, et al).


None of this is a surprise to anyone who is actually paying attention, regardless of what side you vote for. If you don’t see how lawless and dangerous the riots have become, then you’re not willing to see. On a daily basis, the police are being attacked with rocks, frozen water bottles, bricks, Molotov cocktails, improvised explosive devices, and all manner of other weapons. The attacks are coming from “peaceful protesters” clad in military style body armor and riot gear and are being directed at anyone who displeases them or seems to disagree with their narrative. Or for that matter, anyone who is just trying to pass by, either on foot or in their vehicle.


We saw recently a charming young lad named “Keese Love” deliver the final kick to the head of an unconscious man whose grievous crime was to try to protect a transgender woman from an angry mob. We’ve seen buildings being set on fire, looting on a scale possibly never seen before and even portions of cities being co-opted and taken over as “Autonomous Zones” where police are not allowed. All the while, leftist governors and mayors have tied at least one arm behind the backs of their police forces and allowed the rioting and looting to continue almost unabated.


What is new is something we’re starting to see happen around the country more and more (but not if you’re watching most of the mainstream media, because they will not show it). We are finally starting to see a pushback by John Q. Public; and I believe we’ll see more as the weeks and months go by.


The “woke” forces of Antifa and Black Lives Matter mostly overindulged, pampered, underparented, overeducated and spoiled children are on the verge of a rude awakening. They are on the verge of waking the sleeping giant, which is to say most of the law-abiding, hard-working and family-focused people of this country.