I noticed that you still didn't prove JIDF actually exists in this post.
Ask a MuhJoo shill for one piece of evidence that JIDF exists today and what do you get…
Dance Shill, Dance.
But you tell us the Jews are lying.
So if you are telling the truth…by your own logic… (You) must be lying!
Logic isn't really one of your strengths is it MuhJoo…?
Pic related.
JIDF needs 'bout tree fiddy.
Aww what ya gonna do now all your JIDF posts are proven wrong?
I know… you should just keep posting them like nothing ever happened!
Coz you're not here to exchange ideas, you are here to repel reasonable minds.
Dance Shill, Dance.
And we get what we pay for.
Overreach, never kicked out of US, Iceland, Brazil, Argentina, Israel, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Honduras, South Africa, Congo, Sierra Leone, Gold Coast, Cuba, Jamaica, Thailand… shall I go on?
You are such a fucking liar.
The website you frequently say is JIDF(www.thejidf.org) doesn't resolve to anything….
That's more evidence than you have.
Your turn shill.
Can an anon get a Check!!!!!!
So we have conclusively proved JIDF is a figment of MuhJoo Shill's imagination.
If they are willing to lie about JIDF, it makes me wonder what else they are willing to lie about.
Could it be they are just a bunch of lying cunts and that their 200 posts per bread are not trying to help us understand their alleged collective jewish threat to civilization at all….?
Why else would they be here?
You must be new here.
1) It's a bullshit question.
2) Only FakeNews MSM, Soros funded Shareblue twats use the phrasing you use.