Anonymous ID: f64eb2 Aug. 27, 2020, 2:37 p.m. No.10442467   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2483 >>2505 >>2608 >>2614 >>2786 >>2861 >>3037 >>3065 >>3110 >>3186

The China Threat


The counterintelligence and economic espionage efforts emanating from the government of China and the Chinese Communist Party are a grave threat to the economic well-being and democratic values of the United States.


Confronting this threat is the FBI’s top counterintelligence priority.


To be clear, the adversary is not the Chinese people or people of Chinese descent or heritage. The threat comes from the programs and policies pursued by an authoritarian government.


The Chinese government is employing tactics that seek to influence lawmakers and public opinion to achieve policies that are more favorable to China.


At the same time, the Chinese government is seeking to become the world’s greatest superpower through predatory lending and business practices, systematic theft of intellectual property, and brazen cyber intrusions.


China’s efforts target businesses, academic institutions, researchers, lawmakers, and the general public and will require a whole-of-society response. The government and the private sector must commit to working together to better understand and counter the threat.

Anonymous ID: f64eb2 Aug. 27, 2020, 2:39 p.m. No.10442492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2506 >>2786 >>2861 >>3037 >>3110 >>3186

Thousands Of Swedes Receive False-Positive COVID-19 Results — Via Faulty Test Kits From China!


At least 3,700 people in Sweden received false-positive COVID-19 tests — from faulty testing kit that came from China.


The kit from BGI Genomics could not distinguish between very low levels of the virus and a negative result, Reuters reported.


“The supplier must adjust the performance that is required for this test to be used,” Karin Tegmark Wisell, the head of its microbiology department, said.


The test kit has been widely exported to other countries, she added, but could not give further details. BGI Genomics, two of whose subsidiaries are on a U.S. economic blacklist of companies implicated in human rights violations regarding China’s treatment of Uighurs, could not immediately be reached for comment.


It received emergency use authorization from U.S. authorities for its coronavirus testing kits in March and got an Emergency Use Listing from the World Health Organization in May. The Swedish labs that evaluate the tests have adjusted their methodology. The agency could not say how many tests had been done using the kit but only a minority of cases appeared to be involved, when the virus is at very low levels.


Sweden was one of the few European nations that did not order lockdowns. To date, there have been 86,891 confirmed infections and 5,814 deaths from the virus, according Reuters. “Of note,,” the news agency wrote, “deaths, infections and ICU admissions have been falling in recent weeks as the government explores easing their already-lax coronavirus restrictions, such as large public gatherings over 50 people and sporting events.”

Anonymous ID: f64eb2 Aug. 27, 2020, 2:40 p.m. No.10442504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2516 >>2566 >>2786 >>2861 >>3037 >>3110 >>3186

Biden overlooks Ferguson in claiming no 'racial riots,' National Guard under Obama


Biden compared the state of the country during President Obama's second term with Trump's first


Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden accused President Trump of being part of the problem Thursday as violence, unrest and racial tension remain prevalent across the country.


In an interview with MSNBC, the former vice president compared the state of the country during President Obama’s second term with Trump's first, but appeared to overlook multiple major events that took place during the Obama-Biden administration.


"For the last four years we weren't having riots, racial riots," he said of his second term with Obama. "When they occurred, we didn't have to call in the National Guard."


Biden appeared to overlook high-profile instances of violent protests and unrest across the country, including in Ferguson, Mo., following the 2014 police shooting of Michael Brown. As violence overtook the St. Louis suburb, Gov. Jay Nixon did indeed call in the National Guard.


"Tonight, a day of hope, prayers, and peaceful protests was marred by the violent criminal acts of an organized and growing number of individuals, many from outside the community and state, whose actions are putting the residents and businesses of Ferguson at risk," Nixon said in an August 2014 statement describing events very similar to how the Trump administration has characterized recent violence in the U.S. "I am directing the highly capable men and women of the Missouri National Guard to assist … in restoring peace and order to this community."


That November, the National Guard was posted again when violence broke out after a grand jury voted not to indict Officer Darren Wilson for Brown's death. After the decision, violent protests also broke out in Oakland, where dozens were arrested.


Then in April 2015, the city of Baltimore experienced nights of rioting, looting and arson in the wake of the death of Freddie Gray, 25, in police custody. The Maryland National Guard was called up, the first time for a civil disturbance in the state since 1968. A nightly curfew was imposed, and more than 200 people were arrested.


And in September 2016, protests in Charlotte, N.C., over the death of Keith Lamont Scott, 43, turned violent. North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory declared a state of emergency and called in the National Guard after Charlotte's police chief said he needed the help.