Anonymous ID: 315e27 Aug. 27, 2020, 4:03 p.m. No.10443307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3325 >>3351 >>3441 >>3501 >>3582 >>3647 >>3778 >>3983

Over 100 Former John McCain Staffers Endorse Biden, Explicitly Because He's Worse On War


You can't make this stuff up. The New York Times presents us with the only "respectable" option, given it's all about "character" that can supposedly measure up to the national security state's late great patriotic icon:


More than 100 former staff members for Senator John McCain are supporting Joseph R. Biden Jr., a show of support across the political divide that they hope amplifies the “Country First” credo of the former Arizona senator.


Many of the onetime McCain aides who signed the letter share his hawkish foreign policy views and recoil from Mr. Trump’s “America First” politics, which Mr. Salter called his “coddling of dictators or disinterest in our alliances.”


We should interject that in the late Senator McCain's twisted Manichean worldview it was not at all "Country First" to begin with, more like "Which country to invade first?"


Here's more from The Times:


The list of signatories includes a range of people — from chiefs of staff in Mr. McCain’s Senate office to junior aides on his campaigns — who worked for him over his 35 years in Congress and during two presidential bids.


Mark Salter, Mr. McCain’s longtime chief aide and speechwriter, helped organize the letter.


“We have different views of Joe Biden and the Democratic Party platform — most of us will disagree with a fair amount of it — but we all agree that getting Donald Trump out of office is clearly in the national interest,” Salter said.


The Libertarian Institute's Scott Horton summed it up best by noting sarcastically, John McCain’s staff just endorsed Biden, "explicitly because he’s worse on war" - meaning that the very thing that most common sense people long considered to be the worst thing about McCain and his legacy becomes a "virtue" in the eyes of his former staff and writers at the NY Times.


Look who's glowingly proud:

Anonymous ID: 315e27 Aug. 27, 2020, 4:08 p.m. No.10443347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3359 >>3374 >>3384 >>3647 >>3778 >>3983

Majority of voters plan to vote in-person this year despite pandemic, poll finds


Just over a third plan to vote by mail, a significant increase from years past.


A solid majority of registered U.S. voters plans to vote in-person during the presidential election this year, despite the ongoing pandemic that has kept Americans away from public place and larger gatherings, according to a new Just the News Daily Poll with Scott Rasmussen.


The interest in going to polling stations to cast a ballot comes even as the COVID-19 pandemic continues its course throughout the country, though daily new cases in the U.S. have been declining steadily for over a month.


"By way of comparison, roughly 21% of votes were cast by mail in 2016," Rasmussen said. "Thus, the polling data suggests a very significant increase in voting by mail. However, most will still vote in person."


Noting the partisan divide in responses, Rasmussen pointed out that "most Republicans (77%) and Independents (56%) plan to vote in person. However, Democrats are evenly divided – 46% say in person and 46% by mail."


Among Independent voters, 13% were unsure how they would vote, while 8% of Democrats and 2% of Republicans also expressed uncertainty, Rasmussen also pointed out.


"That could possibly suggest a very modest turnout advantage for the GOP," he said. "In normal times, those who are not sure how they will vote are somewhat less likely to vote. However, during the pandemic, this may also simply reflect a wait-and-see attitude."


The survey of 1,200 Registered Voters was conducted by Rasmussen using a mixed-mode approach from August 20-22.


To see this poll's cross-demographic tabulations, click here.


To see this poll's methodology and sample demographics, click here.



Anonymous ID: 315e27 Aug. 27, 2020, 4:16 p.m. No.10443436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3503 >>3647 >>3677 >>3778 >>3983

NHL cancels​ Thursday's playoff games as a stand against racial injustice: Report


The NHL faced criticism after other sports leagues postponed games.


NHL players have forced the league to cancel Thursday night's Stanley Cup playoff games, according to several reports.


The National Hockey League received criticism after they played playoff games on Wednesday. The NBA, MLB, MLS, and WNBA postponed some or all games on Wednesday following the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin.


The NHL will reportedly postpone Thursday's playoff games after the Hockey Diversity Alliance requested that the league suspend all playoff games. The Hockey Diversity Alliance, which was created in June, has a mission of "eradicating systemic racism and intolerance in hockey."


"Earlier today, the HDA formally requested that Commissioner Bettman and the NHL suspend all playoff games today to allow players and fans to reflect on what happened and to send a message that human rights must take priority over sport," the Hockey Diversity Alliance said in a statement.


[STATEMENT] Our response to the NHL’s response to the radical injustice and violence.

— Hockey Diversity Alliance (@Hockey Diversity Alliance)1598556744.0


San Jose Sharks forward Evander Kane and Minnesota Wild defenseman Matt Dumba outlined the plan to cancel Thursday's game by calling more than 100 players who were in the playoff cities of Toronto and Edmonton, according to TSN hockey analyst Pierre Lebrun.


"The PLAYERS took a stand today, they stepped up," Kane tweeted. "Proud of my fellow nhl PLAYERS for their action."


"The NHL is always late to the party, especially on these topics, so it's sorta sad and disheartening for me and other members of the Hockey Diversity Alliance, and I'm sure other guys across the league," Dumba said on Wednesday during an interview with Vancouver's Sportsnet 650. "But if no one stands up and does anything, it's the same thing — it's just that silence that you're just outside looking in on actually being leaders and invoking real change when you have such an opportunity to do so."


"We should not stay silent towards systemic racism and any racial inequalities in our society," said Ottawa Senators forward Anthony Duclair.


There are two Game 3's scheduled for Thursday: the Philadelphia Flyers versus the New York Islanders and the Vancouver Canucks against Vegas Golden Knights.


The Tampa Bay Lightning joined the Boston Bruins for a "moment of reflection" in respect to Jacob Blake on Wednesday.


Here’s the NHL moment of reflection for Jacob Blake before playing tonight’s playoff game between Boston and Tampa…

— Devin Heroux (@Devin Heroux)1598486928.0

Anonymous ID: 315e27 Aug. 27, 2020, 4:18 p.m. No.10443464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3477

5th column?


Sen. Tim Scott says there was 'no justification' for officer to shoot Jacob Blake


'That frustrates me'


South Carolina Republican Sen. Tim Scott, the only black Republican in the U.S. Senate and the lawmaker who led the GOP's unsuccessful police reform effort earlier this year, said he saw "no justification" for a Kenosha, Wisconsin, police officer to shoot Jacob Blake seven times in the back, according to CBS News.


"Looking at the video, I saw no justification whatsoever for those cops to shoot that young man, Jacob," Scott told Gayle King. "We need to get to the root of the issue. As the pastor who prayed before the news conference for the family said, this is a sin issue not a skin issue, though it seems to be happening far more often to folks who are African American than not. That frustrates me, to be honest with you."


King pushed back, saying it is a "skin issue" when considering how police treated Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old from Illinois who killed two people during riots Tuesday night, contrasted with how police treated Blake. Rittenhouse was not arrested at the scene of the shootings, but was later arrested and charged with first-degree murder.


Is Scott correct? There is still debate about whether Officer Rusten Sheskey was justified in shooting Blake. Sheskey and other officers arrived at the scene due to a domestic disturbance call. Blake's girlfriend reportedly called 911 on him and accused him of taking her keys and refusing to leave the premises.


Officers attempted to subdue Blake, who resisted arrest, and deployed stun guns, which also failed to stop him. Blake freed himself from officers and walked from the passenger side of his car to the driver's side, where he opened the door and reached into the vehicle. That's when Sheskey shot him seven times in the back at close range.


Police say a knife was found on the floor of the driver's side where Blake was reaching, but they did not clarify whether Blake was holding the knife when he was shot, or whether it was on the floor and they believed him to be reaching for it.


What's going on now? Blake is still in the hospital, reportedly paralyzed from the waist down—a condition which doctors are still unsure whether it will be permanent. Blake's father reported that his son is handcuffed to his bed, but that police aren't dealing why.


State court records show that Blake had a warrant out for third-degree sexual assault and domestic abuse that was issued on July 7.


That is for a Court to decide Senator, that is how the law works

Anonymous ID: 315e27 Aug. 27, 2020, 4:36 p.m. No.10443746   🗄️.is 🔗kun

World's largest creditor China has never published data on lending pattern


China, the largest global creditor today, has extended loans to more than 150 countries in the last two decades but surprisingly, the dragon has marched on unhindered.


It is not a member of the Paris Club - an informal group of creditor nations with the aim to strike workable repayment solutions. It is also not part of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Both Paris Club and OECD maintain loan records of official creditors.


China's financial assistance is directed in the form of trade credits, foreign direct investment advances under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), besides direct loans. While this is no secret, what is worrying many is the lack of transparency in its lending pattern and record keeping.


According to the Harvard Business Review (HBR), China's outstanding claims now exceed more than 5 per cent of global GDP. However, a large chunk of loans informally has also been extended by the dragon through its local authorities and lenders, which are practically unaccounted.


While the report suggests that about $1.5 trillion has been directed, analysts have questioned this figure since China has remained silent on the quantum of financial assistance extended to other countries.


"China's official figures do not present the correct picture and in times like these -the crisis-like situation in the coronavirus era, it is important to get a clear and transparent view of the economic situation, loans, and repayments. That will not be the case with China," an analyst on condition of anonymity said.


Until the coronavirus pandemic hit the world bringing global economy to a near halt, all was well with China, which escaped scrutiny by rating agencies.


The picture, however, has changed with the spread of the pandemic. In June, the World Bank, in its Global Economic Prospects, said that the global economy could contract by 5.2 per cent this year - the worst since World War II.


Several countries that have been beneficiaries of Chinese loans have indicated their inability to repay. Despite that, China, which already has a whopping debt to GDP ratio of 317 per cent, has been extending fresh assistance in a bid to forge new alliances. Nepal and Bangladesh are cases in point.


"China does not report on its international lending, and Chinese loans literally fall through the cracks of traditional data-gathering institutions. For example, credit rating agencies such as Moody's and Standard & Poor's, or data providers, such as Bloomberg, focus on private creditors, but China's lending is state-sponsored, and therefore off their radar screen," HBR wrote.


The unaccounted loan or "hidden loan" as referred to by HBR has now become a cause for concern for many international agencies.

Anonymous ID: 315e27 Aug. 27, 2020, 4:41 p.m. No.10443809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3830 >>3833 >>3860 >>3912

After 92 Days of Rioting Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Calls on Citizens to Rise Up Against Rioters


Black Lives Matter and Antifa anarchists have been ransacked Portland, Oregon for 92 straight days now.


The downtown will never be the same. Several businesses and landmarks were destroyed and lives ruined.


It took Democrat Mayor Ted Wheeler 73 days to call out the violent rioters.


Clean up crews have collected 92,000 bags of trash this year following the nightly chaos.


Wednesday night, on the 92nd straight night of rioting, the leftist terrorists attack a local ICE facility again.


And on Wednesday Mayor Ted Wheeler called on Portlanders to rise up and denounce the violence taking place nightly in his city.


Wheeler asked for the city’s help to “rise up” with a collective voice.

Anonymous ID: 315e27 Aug. 27, 2020, 4:43 p.m. No.10443835   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3842 >>3882 >>3978

U.S. Coast Guard Offloads More Than $228M In Cocaine, Marijuana at Port Everglades


MIAMI —The Coast Guard Cutter Hamilton (WMSL 753) crew offloaded approximately 11,500 pounds of cocaine and approximately 17,000 pounds of marijuana, Thursday, worth more than $228 million.


The drugs were interdicted in the international waters of the Eastern Pacific Ocean off the coasts of Mexico, Central and South America, and in the Caribbean Sea. Coast Guard cutters and U.S. Navy ships seized and recovered contraband during 13 interdictions of suspected drug smuggling vessels:


The cutter Hamilton crew was responsible for nine interdictions, seizing approximately 9,700 pounds of cocaine and 9,000 pounds of marijuana.

The cutter Resolute (WMEC 620) crew was responsible for one interdiction, seizing approximately 1,100 pounds of marijuana.

The USS Nitze (DDG 94) crew with embarked Coast Guard Law Enforcement Detachment Team 406 was responsible for two interdictions seizing approximately 1,700 pounds of cocaine and approximately 6,100 pounds of marijuana.

The USS Shamal crew with an embarked Coast Guard Law Enforcement Detachment Team 109 was responsible for one interdiction, seizing approximately 800 pounds of marijuana.


“We are proud to support the President’s national security strategy by keeping illegal drugs off American streets,” said Capt. Timothy Cronin, commanding officer of the Hamilton. “I am extremely proud of this crew as they sailed short-handed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and delivered tremendous results.”


On April 1, U.S. Southern Command began enhanced counter-narcotics operations in the Western Hemisphere to disrupt the flow of drugs in support of Presidential National Security Objectives. Numerous U.S. agencies from the Departments of Defense, Justice and Homeland Security cooperated in the effort to combat transnational organized crime. The Coast Guard, Navy, Customs and Border Protection, FBI, Drug Enforcement Administration, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, along with allied and international partner agencies, play a role in counter-drug operations.


The fight against drug cartels in the Eastern Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea requires unity of effort in all phases from detection, monitoring and interdictions, to criminal prosecutions by international partners and U.S. Attorney Offices in districts across the nation. The law enforcement phase of counter-smuggling operations in the Eastern Pacific Ocean is conducted under the authority of the Coast Guard 11th District, headquartered in Alameda, California, and the law enforcement phase of operations in the Caribbean is conducted under the authority of the Coast Guard 7th District, headquartered in Miami. The interdictions, including the actual boardings, are led and conducted by members of the U.S. Coast Guard.


The Hamilton is a 418-foot national security cutter homeported in Charleston, South Carolina. The Resolute is a 210-foot medium endurance cutter home-ported in St. Petersburg, Florida. The USS Nitze is a 510-foot Arleigh Burke-class destroyer homeported in Norfolk, Virginia. The USS Shamal is 179-foot patrol coastal ship homeported in Jacksonville, Florida.