Because it's fucking Israel… You know they were up to some fuckery.
That would be fantastic, if we could get Israel to fight OUR wars for a change.
Somewhere, some Marxist, Democrat, kike-bastard was successful in their human-sacrifice ritual. Syria isn't the only game in town.
I'd rather take out an Israel-proxy. Oh wait… but I love America. I may have to re-think this.
To be fair, he didn't "bomb Syria". He bombed a chemical weapons facility (allegedly) and few were harmed.
To "bomb" Syria, at least in the sense that most understand, would be to do significant damage to it's military, population, or infrastructure. Which did not happen…
I'm just hoping we aren't helping Israel fuck over Iran. Which is exactly what this looks like.
Wait, what? Drug labs?
If I'm not mistaken, she was a major-factor in MK-Ultra becoming publicized. Sad story… Even Hillary raped her.
I believe those are whorish, wanna-be steampunk-rocker, garments.