also these, even clearer (but in the usual Q style, so perception and comprehension of their clarity is, shall we say, unequally distributed):
>Apr 4 2018 15:38:13 (EST) Q ! ID: 72997f 894658
> >>894571
>Operation Q-T2810C.
>False drops.
>Bot push.
>Future "Conspiracy" push to norms.
>Bad mixed w/ good.
>They are scared.
>Apr 7 2018 13:33:58 (EST) Q ! ID: d1eeb8 938439
> >>938332
>New tactic.
>Buckle up.
>MediaMatters 4ch.
>Narrative + anything Q.
>Clowns + Twitter push.
>MSM overdrive.
>All 4 a LARP?