How I learned to LOVE the new world order — by Joe Biden WSJ : 1992
Biden / Communist > Manifesto
" Its nice to have an outpost of The Council on Foreign Relations so close to the State department …. this means I wont have as far to go – TO BE TOLD WHAT WE SHOULD BE DOING …"
Hillary Clinton as Sec. of State at CFR annex in DC
If you listen to fools
The MOB rules
Joe never debated corn pop
We shall have world government weather or not you like it , by conquest or consent
James Warburg , CFR head to US Senate - 1950
Gold Fringe Flag = Admiralty Law fuckery
Bill Cooper spoke of Weather Modification Inc.
and UN treaties governing weather Mods. usage
( domestic , non-offensive only )
Cabal fears it most of all !
POTUS knows cabal and parallel enterprise ordered by Kissenger will make next 3 months a hard time