our teachers are fucking communist unionized scum destroying our children and youth
what a disgusting statement
union teachers should be burned at the stakes
our teachers are fucking communist unionized scum destroying our children and youth
what a disgusting statement
union teachers should be burned at the stakes
tonight POTUS declares vaccines good and coming and communist teachers are good
he sure makes it hard to trust the plan with such statements and zero arrests with knuckle dragging Bush Boy Barr
62,445,858 abortions in USA
what exactly does God win keeping USA biggest military threat when they don't even protect the most innocent of lives?
>Teachers are not backed up by the admin.
you are an idiot and fail to recognize that teachers are out in the streets fighting for all their political ploys of their unions and fellow teachers, they are scum witches destroying our children and you stand for them you are my enemy and an enemy of freedom and liberty
your passivity is why we don't stand a chance
Trump is not enough and too many of you are willing to sit idle with all you know, call fools the students in the street you just defended their ignorance and propaganda teachings by signaling that the teachers didn't have a choice to be silent or shout to the rooftop how wrong the classroom and curriculum is, you are part of the problem