The Media gave the signal it's working against the Dems.
Going to church without a serious study of the Scriptures is like going into battle without armor, and it's also lazy. Wolves in sheep's clothing know most people don't seriously study their Scriptures and take advantage of this.
Um, the Apostles, including Paul, never said anything about tithing. That was under the Law and the temporal priesthood.
He only took up offerings to help the persecuted believers in Jerusalem, suffering for their Testimony of Christ Jesus. Any Jews who named the name of Jesus were disinherited from Israel, their property and belongings stripped of them. Overnight, they were homeless and lacking food. That's why. Read moar Scriptures.
Graham was a Vatican operative. And there's no such thing in Scripture as "the sinner's prayer".
CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien were Vatican operatives, agents of corruption to get Protestants to look away from the Scriptures and to old wives' tales.