Well Q;
I know you are not listening at this time of the morning but hopefully someone is.
45 talked about bringing back the 3 martini lunch as a full 100% tax write off and that is a good thing for 2 to 3 years to bring back the food and beverage industry.
As part of that bill incorporate into it that sport team tickets sky boxes and anything related to professional sports are not deductible as entertainment deductions on taxes.
In addition, remove the tax exemption for the NBA/NFL/MLB and also remove special tax exemptions for sites housing these teams and NO federal or state bonding or help. If they try to refinance these bonds because of rate changes the refi has to be done with regular funding.
Another bill can give companies special tax exemptions if they move their companies out of big Demoncratic controlled cites to more rural areas and they have to hire say over 100 people. Form there other businesses which support that company will start to pop up. Specially in the manufacturing areas.
More ideas to come.