Thanks for posting. I missed that one.
DC Police gearing up. Streamer heard an order to 'get their helmets on', and I see them preparing. I don't think they are reacting to a specific incident.
'Sixty days of protest' starts on September 5th. They might turn overly violent, or could possibly be a way to bring police resources to 'protests', while something happens at another location.
'New Black Panthers' leading a march right now. A couple months ago, they were the ones who were telling a large crowd to drag President Trump out of the White House, and attempting to incite major violence.
I don't know where the march is, but it's probably headed to the fence area by Lafayette Park.
I didn't see it happen, but someone called 'Dirty Knuckles' apparently tried to jump a fence, looks like the one by the White House/Lafayette Park area, and police stopped him.
"Do Not Touch Dirty Knuckles"
-DC Insurgent, threatening police
Pouring rain in DC right now, and all the agitators that had gathered at a security fence have left. Rain brings peace!