What are they going after?
Perhaps it's a warning to (((them))) to watch out for the showers and not to drop the soap
What are they going after?
Perhaps it's a warning to (((them))) to watch out for the showers and not to drop the soap
Twatter @redsparrow and @sparrowred are both Russian-language.
Wonder if red+sparrow means something to Russians, like an idiom or something
What about all the fact that only a few countries, Iran being one, are without a Rothschild central bank (supposedly). Now we're attacking Iran?
I thought it was to do with when the Knights Templar were rounded up and taken out
Obviously he wasn't a pedo, just ask Monica.. (kidding anons, don't kill me) of course he's one
They were supposedly into some sketchy Baphomet stuff.. but who knows, I'm sure a lot of history happened differently to how we're taught it did. It doesn't really matter to me whether this particular fact is true or not though.
vid related
The 27 club sure is weird