Anonymous ID: c4d0d7 Aug. 28, 2020, 9:26 p.m. No.10459080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9167


>That shit has some crazy side effects. I can’t believe it’s approved.

Most pharmaceuticals are poison.

They just test how aid poisons effect the guinea pigs. I mean humans. Because testing poisons on guinea pigs is cruel. But if we don't test the poisons on you humans, how are we gonna make all that money testing moar poisons to "fix" what problems the last poisons caused.

See? It's all for your own good. Just take the vaccine, anon. Even if it kills you, just think of how many lives you'd save. You don't want to be a murderer, do you? Cause if you don't take the vax, you're essentially murdering all those innocent lives you might have saved

Anonymous ID: c4d0d7 Aug. 28, 2020, 9:46 p.m. No.10459259   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>if you take ANY drug approved in the last 40 yrs, you're a moron.

I feel ya. Almost went into the field myself. I got a little moar curious during my freshman year of college and switched fields immediately once I realized anything being produced was being tested on the unsuspecting public. Worse yet, I live in a moronic state that waived every citizens rights to seek any type of legal recourse regarding any substance deemed "safe" for stage 4 testing by the FDA.

Gotta love clown world…

You can molest and arrest a kid over a natural plant that has hundreds of medical applications, but when you inadvertently or intentionally poison entire populations of innocent civilians, you're granted legal immunity as you collect billions of dollars of everyone's pain and suffering, while acting as though you were a hero