an honest distortion towards love is the greatest magic of all
THE adoration of the sun was one of the earliest and most natural forms of religious expression.
Complex modern theologies are merely involvements and amplifications of this simple aboriginal belief.
The primitive mind, recognizing the beneficent power of the solar orb, adored it as the proxy of the
Supreme Deity. Concerning the origin of sun worship, Albert Pike makes the following concise
statement in his Morals and Dogma: "To them [aboriginal peoples] he [the sun] was the innate fire of
bodies, the fire of Nature. Author of Life, heat, and ignition, he was to them the efficient cause of all
generation, for without him there was no movement, no existence, no form. He was to them immense,
indivisible, imperishable, and everywhere present. It was their need of light, and of his creative energy,
that was felt by all men; and nothing was more fearful to them than his absence. His beneficent
influences caused his identification with the Principle of Good; and the BRAHMA of the Hindus, and
MITHRAS of the Persians, and ATHOM, AMUN, PHTHA, and OSIRIS, of the Egyptians, the BEL of
the Chaldeans, the ADONAI of the Phลnicians, the ADONIS and APOLLO of the Greeks, became but
personifications of the Sun, the regenerating Principle, image of that fecundity which perpetuates and
rejuvenates the world's existence."
The origin of the Trinity is obvious to anyone who will observe the daily manifestations of the sun.
This orb, being the symbol of all Light, has three distinct phases: rising, midday, and setting. The philosophers therefore divided the life of all things into three distinct parts: growth, maturity, and decay.
To the Egyptians the sun was the symbol of immortality, for, while it died each night, it rose again with
each ensuing dawn. Not only has the sun this diurnal activity, but it also has its annual pilgrimage,
during which time it passes successively through the twelve celestial houses of the heavens, remaining
in each for thirty days. Added to these it has a third path of travel, which is called the precession of the
equinoxes, in which it retrogrades around the zodiac through the twelve signs at the rate of one degree
every seventy-two years.
I work in a warehouse, I guess that does not count as outside.
Not gonna lie it`s pretty comfy in general. Its a student job gig and they pay very well considering it requires little qualification.
I do 20h a week maximum so it is not really that taxing on me as for someone that does this full time - those people get exploited to hell and back when it comes to work hours but they are also paid very well.
The sleepiness thing is not really linked to physical exhaustion though, as soon as it is the middle of the night my mind becomes very creative.
Okay I get it my situation is not exactly supportive of nightly sleep at the moment, but it is my choice after all- no need to complain!
For reasons which they doubtless considered sufficient, those who chronicled the life and acts of Jesus
found it advisable to metamorphose him into a solar deity. The historical Jesus was forgotten; nearly all
the salient incidents recorded in the four Gospels have their correlations in the movements, phases, or
functions of the heavenly bodies.
Among other allegories borrowed by Christianity from pagan antiquity is the story of the beautiful, blueeyed Sun God, with His golden hair falling upon His shoulders, robed from head to foot in spotless
white and carrying in His arms the Lamb of God, symbolic of the vernal equinox. This handsome youth
is a composite of Apollo, Osiris, Orpheus, Mithras, and Bacchus, for He has certain characteristics in
common with each of these pagan deities.
Good thinking, while I have "suffered" from the "inability" to sleep for a while, I am now much less dependend on the amount of sleep time I get.
Maybe it`s all just a big show to teach us a lesson. That what I have started to consider.
And Anons got front row seats! Most people don`t even know where the damn movie theater is.
I am just trying to engage you, so far you have made grandiose statements without offering anything of substance to discuss.
Nah haven`t watched much full content this past while. Took a few days off the interwebs kek
Well at least I engage people instead of bickering around being all unfriendly like yourself!
They would find a way.
"polands evil right-wing government is receiving vaccination doses from his dictatorial ally in the white house and refuses to share. we have no choice but to go there and take them to guarantee everyones safety and wellbeing. remember to wear your masks and wash your hands.
the fact alone that they didnt start asking about it constantly in 2018 indicates that there is indeed fuckery afoot.
also POTUS loves talking at length about anything even remotely concerning his persona. Yet he has never mentioned Q.
Some anon on twitter stringet together a few EOs that show Trump has basically full control over all US media if he wants.
The question is if "good guys" won 2016 and are now orchestrating a movie to out the bad guys, or if the bad guys are also just actors playing their parts.
Anon wonders.