It is HOT in CA right now.
keep on keepin on. you think gov is better than a human brain…especially the one you fucked with….
you have no clue what awaits when I get there. I KNOW where you are…that was easier than pie.
YOU think because Stephen Hawkings and the bullshit portrayed on the 'HISTORY' chan that minds can be read…..
Unfortunately for you, YOU fucked with a genius of proportions history itself will not portray.
Imagine the creativity when I get your family in a room
YOU thought fake suicides in the media would deter and muddy and confuse.
The hair on my balls holds more intelligence and intellect that you and your 'best and brightest'
AND…it isn't because of the 'drugs' you little fucks are on and spread for agenda either… is simply because you are STUPID fucking TACOS
I'm coming…there is no stopping me……you should know by now.
Since you little cartel cunts been warned, I consider it equal. I will continue making sure what others don't see is seen should my eyes see it…..
BUT, prepare you little fucks…..because I am coming. :)
YEP..Right in Allen Sneed's ASS
I have been patient. When I watched Louis Sneed kiss N garcia's hand enough was fucking enough.
Coincidence is coincidence.
Shit don't happen, I WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN :)
I am talking decades patient. YOU motherfuckers just dont know. AND I know the little 'noismaker' cunts are right here…..listening…
I have already….but will come out and say it…I am here to install FEAR, like they tried with me, as MANY of you might have seen already, because it was recorded, via their own attempts to circumvent the law which to cover their own ass they made public with plenty of Q's
'BAD' actors really fucked things up because…..well……..they SUCK at acting
Keep thinking I am playing anons……
I lived through it.
Cartel, along with cocksuckers in power with our gov in the US, spread the drugs…the meth……CIA was the fucking culprit of it all.
Were it up to me, M&C would have 'Fat Man' and "Little Boy' memories in our known history
Oh I see you little cunts are in fact PUSSIES.
No worries. Your kids will make sure you tell the truth when I get to em.
need I go further you fucks?
Would you like me to go further…..?
How about Mr fucking 'Sneaky'…
wanna know his name?
DID he flip out?
"no He took it calm and smooth as could be"
I AM gonna fuck you all up. You have no fucking clue.
There will come a time in my life where YOURS simply don't matter anymore. It is going to be fucking FUN!
Was the money worth it tacos?
I am nice…but you don't want to be on the side opposite of such.
I am a male, AND I have titties better looking than that..
TRY HARDER you fucking piece of shit
"wait till you find out who is taking to you here
So fucking stupid as to think your actions here while YOU set the3m up are going to garner respect
You have done NOTHING but paint a target on your race.
And you think because Luis..AKA Kap, was white……you are gonna win all
I am gonna squeeze you worse than your fucking little cartel ever tried to squeeze our POTUS
I am gonna make your family wish you were never fucking borne
It is gonna be fun…for me….why not…hmmmm
bye for now