Yeah, that is a pretty noice UID!
Dan? Nice Shot!
At 35 posts you should have.
That's really sad. Anon hopes that he survives. And learns a valuable lesson.
Not to repeat myself anon.
But I'm going to repeat myself.
You'd be surprised at what a demon can pull off in order to ensure the survival of the host, if that outcome is so desired by the demon.
I'd need to see some sauce before I would willing to comment.
Not too much seems to be available to learn from this clip. First blush? Pot Shot!
OOOH! You Scary! Fuck right off!
And you fuck off too!
That's actually pretty funny! Top kek US Army! o7
The only thing that anon prays for, so far as the US Government is concerned, is that the United States Secret Service performs it's mission to the very highest level possible. If that happens then we should have this one in the bag anons.
Love you fags. (no homo)
Can I make to twenty?