>proving police in Victoria are now hunting down people who post anything online against the narrative.
Tyranny in Australia, where things are all upside-down.
> Because I see those who have less than me and yet they haven't given up.
dude, anon is broke af, but not in spirit.
the material world is ephemeral.
the money is fiat.
Love is Real.
God Wins
>Think about that some more.
Not my meme, I know "night" is just from the perspective of being in the planet's shadow.
>It's not even about the money. It's about the connections, the warmth, the family, etc.
anon sees what you mean. Anons all love you (nohomo)
even if you do have a weird-looking thingamajig.
>thats good keep it up
>if you can
Anon can, but will not, anon is sleepy.
but in the meantime, could you please listen to between 01:59 and 02:05? There are two distinct different sounds of gunfire which needs confirming for Kyle. Thanks.