Also pictured with a group of people (from a distance unfortunately).
Similarly, victim group wise, there's also this.
Unless Cankles Fairtits is confusing gunshot with stabbing, then yes sounds like a possible other victim of some sort.
watch the close(er) up vid above - they match
from the vid - match
Good sized close-up of Portland shooting victim's lower section.
/pol/ takes a guess at shooter
PORTLAND SHOOTER - Earlier MAGA confrontation
the other popular close-up floating around
Replay of the twilight MAGA minor confrontation from earlier (shooter not spotted here tho).
Thin Blue Line insignia
Mayor Ted and Governor Bitch buck stops with them.
Locals need to march on those faggits quit crying for POTUS give him something to work with.
>Anons take in account what woman close to him have said.
Why didn't you sauce that, Linda?
Federalist Papers
Founding fathers want it done local then move to National.
POTUS can Insurgency Act but Nancy would In Peach because guv/mayor said no thanks.
It's totally fucking tarded but locals need to hound the mayors and guvs.
POTUS will see it, tweet it, and then sign papers saying go in and BTFO.
That's supposed to be this guy or a different victim?