wtf i love anti-semitism now
Yea but it always did to me. So why don't we just nuke China now?
Look at the videos of him driving around town in an open car. A caravan builds following and cheering him. Ruthless dictator? Didn't seem so.
The association isn't good but what's your point?
Pawn Stars really fucked him up.
Even grosser.
Not clicking honeypot.
>that inlay floor
>pic 2
WTF is with that thumb?
>pic 3
I've noticed weirdo leftists refer to people as "human beans". I thought it was to be cute like the faggots they are but maybe it's darker and that guy looks like a sicko.
>pic 4
Pretty much confirms it.
@Jack Dorsey, communist domestic terrorism, Twitter, child rape, human trafficking, TWTR shareholders defrauded
Maybe but the problem is it's probably a kike shill. A normie woman wouldn't know the spergin term.