STARWARS is the religion of morons.
Dear ANONS and Antifa If you join a riot there is a good chance you will be killed.
Better than nothing!
Alex Jones only job was to make the Bohemian Grove look like a frat party not a child rape and murder cult.
The deep state paid him multiple millions. He failed.
I spent my whole life surrounded by the deep state.
They rent their children out for sex.
And they don't do it for the money.
I worked for the
republicans that made Clinton president. leaders of the Lincoln Club.
I can see one of their houses from my front yard.
One of them ran fish and game until recently.
William Lyon is the other.
I care about what happens to people that join riots 0%
Human sacrifice.
These people are sick.
Yup so is TV.
Satan worship is having sex with children and murder.
My mother and fathers families are Satanists.
I was the only one who pushed back.
Morons love riots. Ignore the riots.
Only an idiot would join a riot.
I grew up walking distance from Watts.
You think you are a tough guy go to a Watts riot.
Ignore the riots and they will end.
My dad was LAPD abs fought this war.
Every actor and musician work for Satan.
Riots are satan worship.
Hi antisemite.
The joo haters are Satanists.
Jews IQ are double yours retard.
Because I hate dumb asses.
I love the Jews! My God Jesus is a Jew.
Who is your God?
It's the Jews that saved the world.
Thanks Satan.
Joo haters love retarded Hitler
Every Jew hater that ever lived went to hell.
it is over assholes. you are being judged by your fathers sins.
wake up you still can avoid hell.
Satan rapes the Jew haters every day for eternity.
Satan blames you.
The lowest life form on earth I's an antisemite.
Crawl on your belly creep.
>Crawl on your belly creep.
The creator of the universes only son is Jewish.
If you hate Jesus you hate God.
If you hate Jesus who is Gods only son you hate God.
That wont end well for you.
God created the Jew because you are retarded.
Real balls? I would never join a riot.I'm not retarded.
Tommy Rettig gave me LSD when I was a tween and tried to rape me.
Lonney Frisbee tried to rape all my under aged male teen friends.
Lonney Frisbee wasn't gay he was a pedophile.
Keith Green was a friend of mine. He wasn't a Christian.
He was a human trafficker. Thats why God killed him in a breaking news way embarrassing way. I warned him.
No church that collects tithes are christians.
Every pastor that collects tithes is a Satanist
I hung out with the founders of the Vineyard and Calvary chapel. They were in it for the money and they told me so.
So is was Billy Gram.
All of them.
Boomers be into money not God.
Government says gay is the way.
Chill out on the crazy eyes.
Christianity is dead.
All tax exempt christians pastors are pedophiles.
christian pastors make millions every year. Stop giving your money to them.
Modern christianity is dead. There is no church.
Do not give your money to any church. never ever. Satan has controlled the church since the 70's.
Stay at home read the Bible.
Trump is the smartest man on the face of the earth but he doesn't know Jesus.
He thinks he is Jesus. he's wrong.
want win bigly TRUMP? Humble your God Damm self retard.
>>10470996 (You)
want win bigly TRUMP? Humble your God Damm self retard.