the obsession with this virus may be where the timeline starts down the road to becoming the greys of the future, where humans became obsessed with germs and we evolved into those grey "aliens" and have to come back to get dna that is still able to fight disease.
>>10471908 lb heel repost (me)
fuckn weird. I stopped the video to talk to spouse and said "this guy knows what's going on" (he was talking about paid instigators starting shit WW), I re-start vid, he says "I'm not crazy, I know what's going on".
Makes me wonder about if they are projecting things into my mind, a small demo of their power.
This dude may be projecting, Think mirror, revelation of the method, but he doesn't seem like the type to be a hit man.
srry, comment was my post, video was what I was replying to.
At least I took the time to reply to your middling post with an authentic comment. reposting once from heel isn't copypasta. just trying to add to the convo asshoe.
All good.
I've learned a lot the last few years, the tech being used on us and the computing power is hard to fathom.
I believe it all, with a barrel of salt.