Your neighbors may not like you because of your stand.
Your employer might fire you.
You might have to physically overtake your enemy.
Whatever the case, we are at this moment in history because we let it happen. Now, it's time to stand up and take back our country. Be prepared anons. Be prepared to ACT.
Wear your MAGA hat and/or patriotic t-shirt – it’s called “taking up space in the public square.” Confront antifa and BLM faggots; just make sure you have a wingman (men) if the situation warrants. Make your presence known and stand for what is right. Protect others who would be attacked by these Marxist goons. CONCEAL and CARRY; it’s your 2A RIGHT. We aren't looking for trouble but ALWAYS be ready. ALWAYS CARRY A GUN.
I don't care if you’re just going to the store to get a bag of chips; BE READY.
And keep praying.
God bless you Patriots and my Brothers in Arms.