Masonry Secrets Broadcast in the PastA secret recording of ceremonies in Masonic temples were first broadcast on Turkey’s Channel 7 in 1997.A Satanic ritual, only allowed for the 33rd-degree masons, was displayed in the candid camera images.Masons dressed in white and carrying swords were pouring goat’s blood in bowls in front of Magen David in the temple.The goat’s head was being burnt on a stick and the great master holding the ritual was drinking the goat’s blood and praying in Hebrew.A ceremony displaying two people’s acceptance to the masonry was displayed in other images. AGAIN. THE MUSLIM 33 DEGREE MASONS ARE SACRIFICING GOATS AND CHANTING IN HEBREW.
You have to think long and hard about this. WHY are Muslim 33 degree free masons sacrificing goats and chanting in HEBREW?