Re: drop #916 ("We are saving Israel for last.").
So I've been thinking. The East has its own centers of power, however, in the West that center for thousands of years has been Jerusalem. The Ark of the Covenant is a real object charged with spiritual power - and let us make no mistake: we're witnessing and participating in the Armageddon, only without the worldwide destruction (thank the hippies for that part). The Ark is simply a source of power, and the power can be used for good or for evil, and I imagine that it's sitting in a deep underground city under Jerusalem and is being used as the focal point from which the Cabal's tentacles spread over most of the world. The Alliance must cut off all the tentacles before taking control of the Ark (remember that the keystone has been missing in all the Q drops depicting the pyramid). The only question is: who controls the keystone now?
On the other hand, "Very specific reason not mentioned a single time", so maybe "no comment" is the best policy for now.