I would love to see many, many, many Patriots show up for his funeral. If I wasn't states away and had the $$ to go, I would be there.
fuck fulford
I watched it live when it happened on one of the antifa fucks livestreams. No, he did NOT shoot first.
This anon met Mike Bivins several times in Portland during the week I was there standing for, and attending the trial of the Bundys et al. He's an arrogant little fuck who is incapable of a rational discussion.
uh, no, just Q
He really was. Several of us tried to talk to him many times over the week. He was determined to carry on the whole demonization of the Bundys as anti-government radicals thing no matter how we tried to explain we knew them and they were not.. He had no answer when I asked him how can people standing up for the Constitution be anti-government?
Some day they will be coming to you asking your help when they see for themselves what is truly going on. Be for them then, anon. In the meantime just keep loving them and praying for them.