Jesus was a Jew
>"Fuck satanist"
Nah, that's not a criticism. I want you to dig and post 'damning information' about them.
>"Jews are fucking Satanists!"
That's what a Satanist would say ;)
Video isn't working for me
You refusing to criticize Satanists means by your own ruleset they rule you.
>"your kike ass"
See pic ;)
No wonder the D's are panicking and trying to deflect to the false narrative "Trump is inciting violence".
The D Party has already incited violence against Trump supporters (Holder: "When they're down we kick em", Waters: "Harass them!", fake news "Trump supporters are dangerous", etc).
Now they're trying to deflect from the violence they themselves incited.
By your own ruleset, you are ;)
Look how triggered this shill is on failing to disprove being a Jew ;)
By your own ruleset, see pic
Panic, project, cry again!
By your own ruleset ;)
You've failed to disprove.
Which means you areโฆaโฆ.
That was probably the lamest anti-Jew shill narrative I've ever seen in the history of 4ch/8ch/8kun.
There is no such thing as any crime that "only" Jews commit, which would make "Jew crimes" a coherent concept.
Satanists are panicking and all they can do is post divisive narrative, splitting humanity up into 'tribes' to hide their crimes.
>As long if both sides agree that Jews are Bad.
It's not dependent on that at all.
It is purely a logical outcome of the anti-Jew shills' own ruleset.
I don't need to make any advocacy or smear to correctly point out that according to the anri-Jew narrative shill's own rules, they themselves are Jews ;)
>"no YOU'RE THE JEW" is now the most common argument on Qresearch.
I never actually accused if you pay close attention.
I'm only saying that by the anti-Jew shill's own rules, they are Jews.
Close. I was only correctly indicating that according to the anti-Jew shills' own narrative, they have already defined themselves to be Jews.
American billionaire pharma execs did not cause the outbreak out of a Wuhan China laboratory.
The Lord guides our ACTIONS on Earth.
When you realize symbolism will be YOUR downfall ;)
I wonder how many people still believe these fake polls?
>"Everyone agrees!"
You got that from one anon? kek. You still haven't disproved being a Jew.