gender fag and you from Qanon?
we do not do genders here, that leftr identity politics stuff that you have fallen into.
as exhibited by your anger and rage.
do you not notice lefties enlave you with fear and anger?
you can be an anon and have peace.
the choice is yours.
you def are not gonna convert any anon to your ways.
maybe you can bond with some shills an share pronouns and stories about all who victimized you. then talk to your liberal leaders, billionaire galore and ask them to share how they made their money, if they are honest they will confide their success is due to creating victims like you and weaponizing them to work for cheap to fight their enemies. promising peace that never comes for a liberal while ka ching ka ching for their wealth.
did you know that no identity politic or liberal movement has ever been successsful or ended due to attaining a goal?
womans lib?
equal rights?
keep voting dem tho!
vote for that change that never comes.
ka ching ka ching.
moar liberal billionaires than ever tho, and not one group that ever accomplised enyting that they can say they won.