I dare you to be baker when the next one shows. Double-Dog Dare!
You sound like a butthurt Palestinian. Did you get annexed already?
Hi Freddy!
If muh joo shills can recycle I can rcycle
Henry never said that
Why not show up and bring the First Marine Division along?
Since there are computers and smart phones everywhere why not just get rid of the Council and go "Direct Democracy" where everybody can see the issues and vote by Zoom or some such thing?
You fail to envision the look on the Council's faces when told they are outdated and out of a job
Fine. Monthly Msail-in Ballots for evrybody.
Do you not see the trick they are trying to do? Defunct police. Citizens must take care of themselves. Strength in Numbers. County Charter would provide for a legally stoop up militia under command of the Sheriff. No Sheriff the militia would have to be the decades-long demonized unorganized type.
Trying to get ahead and let blm run their own "civilian protection groups"
The cat is cool
He hasn't made a run for Kenya yet?