I remember it being them and F_sion. But maybe more and also interesting to see their full bank records and employee list.
Found this on r/ga.
Just wanna add one thing. It took the international central banking cabal over 100 years to get their fangs firmly into America. That didn't happen until the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. Then they established the CFR and the Tri-Lateral Commission. Since 1913, they have have been hard at work, inch by inch, year after year. They've been working on their plan for America for over 200 years. They are not just going to roll over and give up, I don't care how many big name elites are charged and convicted.
The big name elites are just the front-men, the public faces of the cabal. Just as the CIA, the MSM, half of Congress and all of the Deep-State are being played and manipulated by the front-men, they and the public faces are being controlled by people we've never seen in public, never heard their names, and have no idea what they look like or where they live.
This fight is going to get ugly, butt ugly, and it's likely to be a very long fight. Last night I noticed a lot of wobbly-kneed, and weak-minded pedestrian spectators who seemed ready to jump ship and swim home to hide in their mommies basement. We all saw them. You know who you are. If this is how you react when President Trump steps up to the plate and hits one into the cheap seats, smack into your forehead, then maybe you should just get out now and start working on your tan.
This fight is likely to take a generation or two, maybe longer. I think it'll be our children's children who will ultimately see the freedoms we're fighting for. We will make great strides from time to time, but some of "them" will always survive, and they'll regroup to fight another day. The only way to completely rid the world of their evil, is by the second coming of our Lord God, and only he knows when that will happen.
This fight is likely to turn into a cat-fight on steroids with kicking and scratching, hair pulling and eye gouging, and much blood on the ground. People need to be ready for that. The cabal spent over 200 years building their fortress, there's no way we'll tear it down any time soon.
I'm sorry if I sound a bit harsh or over the top, but nobody said this was going to be easy. So everyone needs to put on their big-boy pants get ready to get dirty.