Why are you still posting this shit?
Proven False
JIDF is a figment of your deranged imagination
Prove me wrong
Why are you still posting this shit?
Proven False
JIDF is a figment of your deranged imagination
Prove me wrong
I am defending truth not Jews.
You are pushing lies.
When does a good thing emerge from deception and falsehood?
I can back up my name calling - you are just a lying cunt trying to shore up a mountain of bullshit, and you know it.
Yeah you seem to be getting a bit triggered now half your meme library is provably bullshit.
Is the stress of all the shilling getting to you?
Can't be easy being a stain on humanity's underwear for 3 years.
Dance Shill, Dance!
I proved this is a pile of horseshit too
Are you too dull witted to recognize that you are now just yelling proven lies?
Can't Mr Soros afford proper shills?
You are making yourself look like a retard every post.
You appear to have just under half the mental capacity of a chimp.
(You) are fooling no one anymore.
All of your material is garbage, and yet you continue to spam it even after it is totally disproven.
Top kek!
Muhjoo shill suffers sudden flash of lucidity and truth!
This is what happens when you let the shills make their own memes.
All your bullshits are belong to us.
The shills regularly post the web address www.thejidf.org in their never ending stream of drivel.
It errors out. The URL does not exist.
The JIDF does not exist.
I'd tell you to wash your ass better.
Why would you just assume I was trying to negate what you said?