Meaning of the name Rittenhouse, Kyle Rittenhouse
According to a user from California, U.S., the name Rittenhouse is of German origin and means "The name Rettinghausen can be broken into 3 parts. Rett/ritt meaning "sumpf" marshy land; ing meaning belonging to and haus meaning house. To translate in English it s "those belonging to the family in the marshland"".
Swamp, maybe?
Just something to consider, niggers. We are supposed to redpill liberals, not blow holes into them, despite how much I'd love to and am capable of. We MUST WIN HEARTS AND MIND, NIGGERS.
I'm a biker for Trump, by the way. I pack heat 24/7, and would love to peel domes, but anons, that is not what this is about.