Fuck off
Anon didn't lie
Its a plain way of saying….
6% had no comorbidities.
Of 153,504 reported, 94% had 2-3 other serious illnesses.
9,210 deaths pure COVID
Is that better for you anon?
A different way of saying the same shit
Fuck off
Anon didn't lie
Its a plain way of saying….
6% had no comorbidities.
Of 153,504 reported, 94% had 2-3 other serious illnesses.
9,210 deaths pure COVID
Is that better for you anon?
A different way of saying the same shit
If I get admitted to the hospital for a gunshot wound
And I had a mild case of the flu
And a dislocated shoulder
And I die
The fucking gunshot wound is what killed me
Not the fucking flu
And the dislocation