lb notable: >>10481455 CNN: One shot of coronavirus vaccine likely won't be enough
think the narrative here with bi-annual vax is the bioidentifier stuff, so they pretend the c19 part needs periodic boosts, but it may in fact be the desired digital/bio genetic certificate and digital identity that needs the reboosting.
i think potus went with moderna vax as a small price to appease people and perhaps its not the full plans vax the who/BG controls to merge with its id2020, certificate shit.
patriots will not have much time to prevent the NWO kicking in if they mandate a biogenetic vax required to gain entry to shop, bank, etc. which the mask is a beta test of as we see all major retailers are in the game. they want to mandate the vax with the biogenetic certificate which allows entry to shop and at some point they want to require to have a bank acct, and will do away with cash.
c19 is likely a beta test, they prolly will come up with a brutal plague to roll this out, they prolly met all their goals with the current fake hoax, but likely have some real bioweapons that could truly be a pandemic.
we will soon find out how the plan will play out and if potus can save us.
doing away with smartphones somehow would prevent all this for many years.