msdnc nickwhore wallace pulled out her readers and is beginning to take a closer look to the shit Herridge has been pumping out know for as lonng as the riots have been ragining, tick tock tick tock…, wondering and supposing arguments– you had an open and shut case.. ruh roh
this same khunt was all the fashion dresser telling everyone scarves bandanas or plastic grocery bags worked just fine.., know this exaggeration aylasso milano coven sitcom?
she's developing klobuchar voice / merkel body tremor
that would be geniius
next have him come out naked and petting his favorite grand daughter
silly old joe
King of the dAMES yells back at the waves and tells the PATRIOT: DON'T SHOUT
ps pizzaboi delivery joe just spit the RONA all over the pizza
thar it is the RONA has mutated into a political virus musk juan williams disease – a contagions spread by biden whar as everyone just goes berserk (in a I'm Jewish" screaming kind of khunt antifa blm rage) nutso bat shit stupid crazy…, juan, panicked throwing all thar supporters under the bus…, come on juan - denounce the satanist.. dare ya nigger if you dont
so that wuts wrong w it
juan is outraged of the irresponisboe behaviour of so many people gathering together
but whoring over these protests like destruction of property , laws neighborhoods cities peoples and America is quite all right … demonrats