just dont click it…or use spoiler…i dont wanna either but im gonna i wanna know…how evil this world is…motivational, informational…zero pleasure
no doubt it exists and its dropping soon……
NYPD: Hillary Clinton ‘Pedophile Sex Tape’ About To Be Released
The New York Police Department (NYPD) has confirmed that a “sickening” pedophile sex tape featuring Hillary Clinton is about to be released to the public.
According to investigative journalist Liz Crokin, sources within NYPD claim the video is the “Rosetta Stone” of information connecting senior politicians, such as Clinton, to an elite pedophile ring.
http:// yournewswire.com/nypd-hillary-clinton-pedophile-sex-tape/
yes…confirmed by the NYPD
that second post is mine….your a clown….GTFO
JoshWho aka Truth Seeker
JoshWho aka Truth Seeker
Truth Seeker
Alternative News
FBI Obtain ‘Sickening’ Hillary Clinton Child Sex Tape
Multiple sources within the FBI and NYPD have confirmed the existence of a “sickening”Hillary Clinton sex tape involving Huma Abedin and an underage teenage girl, and provided assurances that a faction within the department has vowed to send Hillary Clinton to jail for the rest of her life.
A small faction within the NYPD have been pursuing leads and identifying key players implicated in “an elite network of sickos and perverts”, and have identified former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as someone who “under normal circumstances would be arrested by now.”
NYPD detectives privy to the contents of the tape have been “getting their ducks in a row”preparing for it’s release, explaining that “we are not just talking careers on the line, we are talking about lives. We have to get it right.”
According to QAnon, the infamous White House insider, President Trump’s recent announcement that he is going after high profile child sex offenders is directly linked to the tape.
A senior detective says Anthony Weiner, the accidental provider of the tape, was the first domino to fall.
q anon is all about investigating this evil pedo satanist shit……serves a righteous purpose if your pussy hurts GTFO
this subject will not be ignored anymore
your a sick sob…and i have the cure for you
bullshit…Q runs this narrative not me not you….f….week schill………..this subject needs to be brought into the light
so Q and i are perverts for wanting to bring this into the light expose it and stop it
if you cant handle it crawl back into your nice comfy bubble world and just ignore this subject let children die, tortured, raped ,, killed bc you cant handle it……..you just need to GTFO
dont project your sick narrative on me ……..clown, schill faggot
zero…….just the hrc video and the whole world to see it
ALERT CLOWN ATTACK: they obviously are fighting hard here …tonight.. to hold the HRC VIDEO back and or discredit it……..so nobody believes it or watches it……..dont fall for it…its idiocy at its finest
i was in the medical field and various field of activity…. for a long time….saw much….nothing can phase me at this point…..criminals and x-cons and those predisposed to do evil i recommend they not be exposed….in my professional opinion….
matter of fact your communications profile gathered thus far….seem to indicate you are a serial killer…
did i post to the wrong id? if i did i apologize…..
…maybe its a donkey show..lol
ie not running for election…..
i dunno…what ?????????????
i didnt post it pin head
hows it relevant here…..
didnt think you were able to find anything
disinfo faggot…..relearn..you gotta go back
next you gonna say alex jones is nonreputeable….who says…who decides snopes, google, abc cbs, hillary, cnn…you ?
again thats disnfo…..your cnn programmed….i'm pissed too…alex is right……you are wrong
somebody needs to stand up like alex and say what others wont……alex is the f….hammer…..you are a faggot….big difference
like potus i cant sleep…reasons undisclosed
i disagree with alex this week….doesnt mean hes not 100 truthful in his opinions
evil vs good
alex is entitled to his opinions he is 100
this week i dont like his opinions either
yup everything
nice….very possible dig
they dont want another jfk…which planted this seed
he will when he figures it out …
alex got potus elected
he never shows past 1 or maybe 2
half of these are my posts……you dont agree ???
maybe they were occultic mind control voodoo doll freaks…..something totally crazy
next there gonna wanna say sd is a russian agent
its texan
problem is your criteria for judging reputable is as determined by snopes, google, msm etc
i use it too…like yall
really block me again…do yourselves and q a disservice….its your choice
exactly….but go ahead just filter people you dont like or agree with
>YNW has a great track record of being factually correct, although true they are also clickbait. Just use a VPN while visiting. Baxter Dmitri does good journalism.
NO…….referring to msm
this ?
"Keep them starved"
"Keep them blind"
"Keep them stupid"
HRC March 13, 2013 [intercept]
Just sunk in what Q is probably saying here. They intercepted a private communication on that date from HRC where she actually states this…
#followthewhiterabbit #QAnon #GreatAwakening
3:16 PM - 21 Jan 2018
i think its probably concerning…google, facebook, twitter……ie snowden, eric scmidt….PRISM
Facebook and Google insist they did not know of Prism surveillance program
https:// www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jun/07/google-facebook-prism-surveillance-program
Why Edward Snowden Leaked the Secret NSA Information
The Guardian has revealed the identity of the man who leaked information about the NSA's surveillance programs, PRISM and Boundless Informant. Meet Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old defense contractor employee who's worked for the NSA for four years.
https:// www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2013/06/why-edward-snowden-leaked-secret-nsa-information/314449/
https:// www.nationalenquirer.com/crime-investigation/jfk-crash-cover/
lol….reminds me somebody i know
Create lie that Mueller removal is political.
Shutdown as distraction and to hurt military. Pushing for illegals as realize losing black votes BIGLY.
Intercepted communication by #HRC from 3/13/13 denigrating blacks: "Keep them starved. Keep them blind. Keep them stupid.
right to each thier own…men mainly visual..women verbal
hrc 50 + murders……..nobody would prosecute them anyways