Anonymous ID: dd3b1d Aug. 31, 2020, 10:51 p.m. No.10491001   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1017


Torn on this one.


I want the Constitution upheld, but if I'm honest, I'm not sure it EVER truly has been, certainly not since The Act of 1871. It's all been an illusion ever since.


Perhaps the right answer is that I'd like to see him/his type in that office for much longer than 8 years, so perhaps make it happen via lawful channels. Get the 22nd Amendment lawfully repealed (ugh, I'm generally pro-term-limits) and keep up the kind of behavior that warrants ongoing reelection.


As far as I'm concerned, our Republic, albeit arguably the best country/govt in the world, has been a failure. Crony capitalism/oligarchy has ruled us. Unequal justice has reigned supreme. A non-American controlled by foreigners occupied the highest seat in the land for 8 years and 80-90% still can't see it, with 40% still loving him.


The ideal we aspire to/believe we have has never been and never will be, "in this age." So… a benevolent/sincere monarch, whether transparently presented as such, or behind the facade of something that appeases the willfully ignorant, would be better than what we've yet had in my lifetime.


And all of this is presented on the basis of POTUS not covertly being a malevolent force that's duped the majority of the most perceptive among us. Whatever the case, I trust in god, not man, and god does win…I'd just prefer we go through as minimal a nightmare phase as possible until that manifestation is universally recognized and uncontested.