Gina Phillips, a deliverance minister who works specifically in the area of deprogramming MONARCH, MK-ULTRA, and other trauma-based mind control victims, gives a decode of HRC comms.
In the forefront HRC stands with her yellow, white, and purple scarf.
She wears it like a pope or clergy wud wear.
The white represents some type of purity program.
Gotta watch to see how that plays out in coming days.
The purple is the main program running.
Its the End of the World program.
The white purity and yellow programs are running under the big Purple EOW program.
Yellow is Hollywood, its also food programming and also represents the promise of programmed victims getting to take vengeance against those they believe have harmed them.
Remember programmers scramble things up inside victims so the victim can't identify it was the handlers who actually hurt them.
This dissociated wrath can be placed on any designated party by the programmer.
The MC victim just releases the wrath.
The black and white jacket represents the B&W masonic floor tiles which is a base program.
[Are the committed BLM/Antifa] rioters activated and controlled by sophisticated trauma-based mind control?]
[Were they victimized as infants/children by having tormenting spirits installed?]
[Do they riot because otherwise they will be tormented?]
[How can the Sons of God deliver them?]