Morning anons…
Seeing some good signs of a FLIP!
Lets flip the biscuit! We are cloooossssseeeee….
Morning anons…
Seeing some good signs of a FLIP!
Lets flip the biscuit! We are cloooossssseeeee….
Would be +1…
McGirk (sp?) decision perhaps a new beginning…I would hope so.
BTW…what State do you associate w/tribes?
McGirk effect?
Anything else interesting about that State?
"Sovereignty" an interesting=IMPORTANT concept…
perhaps we do not want to jeopardize the durham investigate…but you aren't here for logic…you be shillin'
we do fren…just wait!
creepy AF pic in the background…
might repost next loaf…notable…call to action…
How far is Toronto from Ft Lauderdale? Bus distance? Asking for a little green fren…
Would those have been the buses from the team they are playing fren? Toronto flies to SanAntonio and the Spurs buses pick them up…not THEIR BUSES FROM TORONTO…