ty bake!
What is "the plan"? Perhaps a roadmap we are following? This Rand study on insurgency/couterinsurgency is a winner winner chicken dinner…
and I hope not to early to post (sorry if so…)
How do you defeat an ENTRENCHED and insurgent enemy?
By winning MANY small battles! And it takes YEARS! Defeating an insurgency requires a system of small battles and engagements to "out" the enemy…it is EASY PEASY to MOP UP…
The HARD THING is getting an enemy to GLOW…
#trusttheplan frens…military planning at its finest…
zero research value…
found it humorous and ironic…
He has the same attorney as Sandman…
Hard to believe part of the movie, but apparently so…
#trusttheplan :-)
>if he'd stayed put at the dealership
He would be DEAD…self defense 100%…
This is the best analysis to date…
not so pertinent to drain the swamp…however…
an important concept to us as humans…and something that has been used AGAINST us…
someone does something nice to you…what do you want to do?
you do something nice for someone, don't you expect something back?
believe it or not, or whole new system of monetary exchange/resource exchange will be based on this LAW in the very near future :-)
ty fren!
3 gorges a bit of a ruse by the CCP…not sure why…
FULL on the lake is 175m..so no real danger of flooding at 175m. They like to keep the lake at 145m in the rainy season to control flooding…
Current level around 168m…so well below the "normal" non flooding season levels…
However a shit ton of water has been released thru the dam lately…
we won't be about to develop without it…model is the future of medicine…