The Hunt for Red October = 'The Plan'
(review of 40,000 ft view)
Donald J. Trump - is - Capt. Marko Ramius
The Red October - is - [The Cabal's Secrets]
USSR (Evil Empire) - Builds a secret [Doomsday Weapon] = The Red October.
[Globalist Cabal] - Builds their [Doomsday System] = Global: Banking, Big Biz, Big Gov/Mil, Big Pharma/Med, Big Tech, Human Trafficking.
(Capt. Ramius) - USSR
He sees the [Weapon] they've developed.
It's Operational.
He knows its capability.
→ He knows the [Evil Intent] of [Rulers] of [The System] he's currently in.
He Defects →Taking [The Secret Weapon] with him.
He turns it over to → The Good Guys.
(Donald Trump) - Insider: Elite Circles
He sees the [Weapon] they've developed.
His family ties: Tesla Tech, Suppressed Info etc…
He's seen Big Global Biz, Big Gov, Big Crime Families: [The Players] and How [The Game] works.
[The Players & System] - Are well organized & powerful.
[Their System] is Operational.
He knows its capability.
→ He knows the [Evil Intent] of [Rulers] of [The System] he's currently in.
He Defects →Taking [The Secret Weapon] with him.
He (DJT) turns it over to = The Good Guys (Patriots - Mil Intel).
Q says,
I think it's because: Capt. Ramius/Trump → Handed it to them.
[The Cabal] no longer completely controls → [Their Secret Weapon].