I think this is relevant to bring up with Diana coming into some of this.
An issue sometimes arises in these Bloodlines, where they try to breed for evil, and a child has such a strong spirit of Christ in them, that that is the spirit they invoke and follow.
I think this is true of Diana, and the spirit also seems to shine in her eldest son, William. Rumor has it the boys have different dads, and that Harry is involved in the occult, with specific duties.
This is why some blood family members break away, hide, denounce and become followers of Jeshua the Christ.
God says the spirit is in the blood
He is emphatic that we do not drink blood, or spill blood, and says so in many scriptures, including The Book of Enocj, The Book of Jubilees and dozens of places in the Bible. Blood drinking brings Judgement on a people and God roots them out. We are warmed over and over and over.
This is left out of the main bible. When Ham discovered Noah naked from drinking, he put a curse on Kena'an, Ham's son. He wouldn't curse Ham because God has blessed him. During this time Noah, in the presence of God's angel, divided the earth between his three sons families. God gave Shem the "Holy" land, Ham's land was south, Egypt for ex. Yefet's was north. (Exact boundaries are in the Book of Jubilees). Noah put a curse on anyone who went After and settled anyone elses land. They all swore an oath. Kena'an, even against Ham's warning did just that. He settled the land of Kena'an, that was Shem's. Thus came the Canaanites, cursed from God. These evil bloodlines boast about having Canaan's blood.
So after Exodus from Egyptian enslavement, God was retuning them to their own land promised to them since the get go by God. Evil misinforms us regarding these details.
Kean'an is Hebrew for Canaan