just doing a bit of research on 5G
i am finding that AT&T seems to be leading the way in setting up “5G” in the cities that have been selected for “trials” this year…
it’s got me thinking…
WHAT IF the lucent technologies split from AT&T - and the lucent merge with alcotel in france(EU) - was actually the cabal’s plan all along to disseminate 5G/rfid knowledge for “plan B”?
i mean, it “looks like normal business.”
what if carly fiorina drove lucent into the ground on purpose?
and then the alcotel-lucent merger with nokia?
btw, austin, texas was AT&T’s first test area.
http:// about.att.com/story/multigigabit_mobile_5g.html?CJPID=2942700&EI=20130822074250E&CI=CJ_AFFINITY&RI=CJ1&RD=37922
https:// www.fiercewireless.com/wireless/at-t-we-have-all-answers-to-deploy-a-mobile-5g-network
https:// www.lightreading.com/mobile/5g/atandt-5g-tests-go-gaga-for-gigabit/d/d-id/742165