Since the beginning of this dig, we have been trying to answer questions that were provided to us by "I may have purchased this property"Anon. One of his first comments was : "Do I look stout to you?"
"I wonder who started it?"
He then references Daniel 7:20. Daniel 7:20 talks about the ten horns on the beasts head where previous verses speak of being 'stout'. So there's inconsistency of bible verse and the Anons post.
I interpreted the 'stout' reference to be a doorway that was large- for one to pass, and why PurchaseAnon asked the stout question. But when one attempts to compare Daniel 7:20 to the question, it doesn't seem to fit.
So, what if the buildings themselves are being referred to in Daniel- buildings are the 'horns'? The 6 building is shorter/fatter than the rest (stout)? Is JK's building the 'large/stout gate' that leads to destruction?
Are there 10 buildings/skyscrapers that signify 'the crown/horns' on its head'?
THIS ^^^ then leads us to the 3 horns that fell away; WTC#1, WTC#2 and WTC#7? That these buildings/horns 'fell away'? That the destruction of 3 buildings on 9-11 was a ritual sacrifice of buildings/biblical 'horns' to force bible prophecy and reign in the End of Times?
The verse goes on to tell of a larger horn- the 11th horn- that grew out of it after the 3 horns fell; Freedom Tower? Does Freedom Tower appear 'stout' in comparison to its neighbors?
The tower ascends 69 stories, its edges chamfered back to form 8 isosceles triangles, a perfect octagon at center. It culminates in a square, glass parapet at the crown, its crystalline form creating a vibrant effect, as light refracts like a kaleidoscope, changing throughout the day.
Regardless of its stoutness, Freedom Tower fulfills the prophesy of Daniel and that Freedom Tower "… outgrew in size all the others until it became the most prominent."; the 11th horn.
This leads me to conclude that the JK building is the "head' of this beast and that the 'horns' are other skyscrapers around it.
I have faith this is a correct analogy but doesn't answer the question as to why this building was purchased by Kushner, other than it is 'the head of the beast'; the large gate that leads to destruction.
[Matthew 7:13-14 13"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Daniel 7:20
and the meaning of the ten horns that were on its head and the other horn which came up, and before which three of them fell, namely, that horn which had eyes and a mouth uttering great boasts and which was larger in appearance than its associates.]
Photo: Marked entrances to the underground tunnels of Fifth St. and this exact location.
Are you saying that, by using US tech, 5G will be safer for us and that POTUS is behind the money for this US 5G?
It's amazing all the work that goes in to designing logos. Creepy that cabal companies incorporate so much sacred geometry in them. Not sure what else to make of it tho~ other than it's their symbology. Obviously has meaning, but what?